[Gate-users] Recylcing PHSP and time slice

Jeremy Leste jeremy.leste at inserm.fr
Tue Sep 10 23:08:01 CEST 2019

Hi Gate Users, 

A second mail to notify that the problem is only for
IAEA phase space. Phase space functions work well for root. 



Le 2019-09-09 17:02, Jeremy Leste a écrit :

> Dear
> I need to perform recycling of a phase space and i
have a problem. 
> For a simulation using
"/gate/application/setTotalNumberOfPrimaries" it works. 
> But using
a a TIME SLICE and "/gate/application/setTotalNumberOfPrimaries " or 
"/gate/application/setNumberOfPrimariesPerRun" it does not work. It
seems to read once the PHSP and then to repeat the last particle. 
I have this message: "ERROR: read_particle: Failed to read particle
> I have already check the PHSP and that is not the problem.
Some Ideas? 
> Thanks in advance for your help, 
> Jeremy Leste
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