[Gate-users] SiPM detectors and Scintillator-to-Photodetector ratio

Sowmiya Raj Thirumalai sthirum6 at asu.edu
Thu Nov 28 05:08:00 CET 2019

Hi All,

   I am developing a model of PET which uses SiPM photodetectors using
cylindricalPET system. Using the readout policy of the digitizer module,
the detectors can be given as APD or PMT. So, could anyone please tell me
how to define SiPM detectors? And, how to define an array of detectors?

    Also, I am trying to couple an array of scintillator (50 scintillators
- 25x2) to an array of SiPM detectors (32 detectors - 16x2). Could anyone
please tell how to implement this?

    Is there any reference links which has examples of different PET
models? If so, could anyone send me the link?

Thanks & Regards
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