[Gate-users] Voxelized Source Problem

Christopher Watanabe chris.r.watanabe at gmail.com
Tue Nov 19 22:53:27 CET 2019

Hi all,

I'm facing problems importing a voxelized source into my simulation. My
code below is very close to the code in the Gate Users' Manual V8.0, page

# Inserting Voxelized Source
/gate/source/addSource                       thyroid_Phantom voxel
/gate/source/thyroid_Phantom/reader/insert     image
/gate/source/thyroid_Phantom/imageReader/translator/insert     linear
/gate/source/thyroid_Phantom/imageReader/linearTranslator/setScale      2 Bq
/gate/source/thyroid_Phantom/imageReader/verbose 1

/gate/source/thyroid_Phantom/gps/centre 0. 35. 0. mm

/gate/source/voxel/gps/particle gamma
/gate/source/voxel/gps/energytype Mono
/gate/source/voxel/gps/monoenergy 140.5 keV
/gate/source/voxel/gps/angtype iso
/gate/source/voxel/gps/mintheta                 0. deg
/gate/source/voxel/gps/maxtheta 90. deg
/gate/source/voxel/gps/minphi                0. deg
/gate/source/voxel/gps/maxphi                360. deg
/gate/source/voxel/gps/confine NULL
/gate/source/voxel/setForcedUnstableFlag true
/gate/source/voxel/setForcedHalfLife    21636 s

Where metaimage2.mhd is a binary mask of a thyroid scan. (0 background, 1

Despite this, I'm getting very strange visualization results from the
[image: image.png]
Strangely, the source doesn't move when I change the *
/gate/source/thyroid_Phantom/gps/centre* coordinates. I'm a bit at a loss
of how to solve this problem.

Has anyone had similar experiences with this? Is it a GATE issue, or is
this more likely something that would originate from a faulty .mhd file

Thank you!

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