[Gate-users] phase contrast simulation in analytic phantom geometry

Simon Rit simon.rit at creatis.insa-lyon.fr
Wed May 29 08:13:58 CEST 2019

1. There is also the possibility to simulate refraction, see this wiki
But this will not simulate interference fringes as the phase-contrast
actor. This is the only possibility as far as I know.
2. No, some actors can use non-voxelized geometry. But this actor is only
working on a voxelized image.
3. Not that I'm aware of but that would be a useful tool! With RTK, you can
draw some simple shapes, see e.g. this page

On Wed, May 29, 2019 at 2:38 AM Jianbing <dongjbstrong at 163.com> wrote:

> Dear Gaters:
>     I want to use Gate to simulate the X-ray phase contrast imaging in CT
> scanning, which is based on the Fresnel diffraction law.
>     After building up the phantom geometry, the grating geometry (optical
> elements for phase contrast imaging), the FixedForcedDetectorActor was used
> to save the output from this simulation. But I encountered an error: "you
> need one voxelized volume in your scene".
>    So here are some questions:
>    1. I was wandering that is the Actor the only way to simulate
> phase-contrast imaging in Gate?  Is it possible the simulation of
> phase-contrast imaging without any Actors? Or how can I use Gate to
> simulate phase-contrast imaging without Actors?
>    2. Does Actors must use voxelized phantom, like real patient data
> imported from some pictures?
>    3. Is there any way I can save my analytic phantom geometry into
> voxelized file, so it can be imported as voxelized phantom to use Actors
> for phase-contrast imaging?
>    Here is information about my operating configuration:
>    VMware ubuntu 16.04
>    Geant4 10.4.3
>    RTK 1.4.0
>    ITK 4.13.0
>    XrayLib
>   Gate 8.1-patch 1
> Thanks in advance!
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