[Gate-users] voxelized source and phantom - error

David Boersma david.boersma at acmit.at
Tue May 21 14:33:26 CEST 2019

Hi Dimitrios,

Before we try anything fancy: all paths for files to be executed/loaded are expected to be given as either absolute path names (starting with "/", e.g. /home/boersma/data/brain_phantom.i33") or relative to the "current working directory" at the time when you give the Gate command. Common mistakes are e.g. to leave out the directory part of the file path, or to run Gate from the wrong directory. In the example that you work on, you should specify the path of the phantom file as "phantom/brain_phantom.i33"; if you would write just "brain_phantom.i33" then I think you would exactly get the error that you quote.

The problem with "Air" not being found could happen if you try to insert the imagevolume *before* the material database has been imported. Where in the script are you putting this code? In principle it should be inside "./macros/VoxelizedPhantom.mac", I think. If you are already doing that, then we need to come up with new ideas. 😊

Good luck,

David B.

(*Not* the author of the example, that is actually David S. I think....)

Von: Gate-users <gate-users-bounces at lists.opengatecollaboration.org> im Auftrag von Dimitrios Thanasas <dthanas at uoa.gr>
Gesendet: Freitag, 17. Mai 2019 13:18:43
An: gate-users at lists.opengatecollaboration.org
Betreff: [Gate-users] voxelized source and phantom - error

Hi everyone,

I am trying to use voxelized source and phantom in GATE.
I downloaded tp_Voxel
but when I run it (the file "simu_voxel.mac") I get the error:
"GateMiscFunctions.cc (l.88): Error while opening brain_phantom.i33 for

I do something wrong?

Moreover, when I use one of the following commands:
/gate/world/daughters/insert ImageRegularParametrisedVolume
/gate/world/daughters/insert ImageNestedParametrisedVolume
/gate/world/daughters/insert ImageRegionalizedVolume

I get the error: "GateMaterialDatabase.cc (l.131): GateMaterialDatabase:
could not find the definition for material 'Air' in material files "
But Air is included in Gate Materials.db by default.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,

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