[Gate-users] How to convert the photon into wavefront (X-ray's partical property -> X-ray's wave optical property) ?

Jianbing dongjbstrong at 163.com
Fri Jun 14 15:01:07 CEST 2019

Here are the refrenced phase-contrast simulation method: http://journals.iucr.org/s/issues/2014/03/00/hf5246/hf5246.pdf

At 2019-06-14 20:53:17, "Jianbing" <dongjbstrong at 163.com> wrote:

Dear Gaters:
      I want to use GATE to simulate X-ray phase-contrast imaging, which is based on X-ray' s wave property. Within my knowledge, There are two way to implement phase-contrast simulation: 
      1) "XrayBoundary" physical process. This process is based on Snell's law, and it is simulation of the particle property of X-ray;
      2) "Fixed Forced Detection CT with Fresnel phase contrast". This Actor only suports voxelized volume. And the 'fresnel' result and the 'primary' result seems to have nothing to do with the number of photons, which is not consistent with real physical process.
      Some people have combined Monte-carlo with Matlab to simulate Phase-contrast imaging. 
      The key point is to store the path integral of the real part δ (complex refractive index, n = 1 - δ + iβ) in the trajectory when each photon passing through the material,  and store its remaining energy. 

      Here are my questions:
      1. How could I use "Phase space Actor" to store the remiaing Energy of each photon which has passing through the object?
      2. How could I store the path integral of the real part δ of the complex refractive index? Which source file should I modify to realize this function? 

      Any help will be appreciated, thanks in advance.


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