[Gate-users] Visualization of voxelized phantom

Martin Hjellström martin.hjellstrom at gu.se
Fri Jul 5 10:42:34 CEST 2019

Dear GATE users,

I'm trying to use a voxelized phantom in my model but stumbled on some visualization problem. I want to be able to see the different materials when visualising the phantom, but the whole phantom (with all the different materials) are the same colour, including the air. I found this sentence in the guide:

"One can keep specifying visibility boolean (true or false) and color attribute values (red, green, blue components and transparency coefficient) within the range translator as he did when using a previous GATE version. However, as previously mentioned, so far current implementations of any of the three new parametrization methods do not support voxel visualization attributes on a per material basis, hence preventing the voxelized phantom from being displayed."

This implies that I can't have different colors for different materials (and HU) and therefore will my phantom just be a cube in one color.

I feel that there should be, and probably is, a way to do this anyway. So my question is if someone know how to solve this problem?

Thank you very much for your time!

Kind regards,


Martin Hjellström, PhD. Student
Department of Radiation Physics, Institute of Clinical Sciences
Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg
Sahlgrenska University Hospital
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