[Gate-users] New vGATE 8.2 is out !

maxime maxime.chauvin at inserm.fr
Sat Feb 23 17:34:55 CET 2019

Dear gate-users,

the new virtual GATE v8.2 (build with VirtualBox) is out and available here:
http://www.opengatecollaboration.org/node/91 <http://www.opengatecollaboration.org/node/91>

It is running on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and equipped with the following softwares:
GATE 8.2
GateContrib: a user-oriented public repository of Gate (macros, examples and user contributions)
Geant4 10.05.0
Root 6.14.00
ITK 4.13.1 with Module_RTK=ON (v2.0.0)
VTK v7.1.0
vV 1.4.0
ImageJ (Fiji) 1.52
Jupyter Notebook
Python 3 with matplotlib, pydicom, pandas, plotly, SimpleITK
Login credentials are (qwerty keyboard):

user: gate
password: virtual
More information and installation procedure can be found on the link.

  Maxime Chauvin

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