[Gate-users] No coincidences when using generic repeater in PET

Étienne Auger etienne.j.auger at gmail.com
Tue Feb 12 16:26:00 CET 2019

Hello fellow Gate users,

I am simulating a PET scanner which is made up of 48 modules. I want to set
the orientation and position of each module differently and independently
for each of them. Thus, I thought of using the "PETscanner" template
provided by Gate, and attaching my module to "level1". This module would be
repeated by a "genericRepeater", with which, in an external
module.placements file, I would define the orientations and positions of
the modules. To begin, I specified the orientations and positions of
perfectly placed modules (to obtain the same geometry as if I would use a
"ring" repeater). Everything works as expected (when I visualize my
geometry, all is good) except that there are no coincidences recorded while
simulating, although there are singles.

When I replace the "genericRepeater" by a "ring" repeater, I then get
coincidences but not the flexibility to position my modules arbitrarily. It
seems that using a "genericRepeater" prevents one from getting
coincidences. This seems to be a bug that others in this forum have
observed. I wonder if there is something that can be done to fix this issue.

Thank you for your help,

Étienne Auger
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