[Gate-users] Help about Units of outputs and Resolution

Fatemeh sph fatemeh.sph64 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 28 09:12:59 CET 2018

Hi Dear Gate users

I have some question about Unit of outputs and resolution in some actors.

1.What does the “/setResolution/ line define in different actors? For
example what is the difference between these two lines in

/gate/actor/ ProductionAndStoppingActor 0/setResolution 1 1 40

/gate/actor/ ProductionAndStoppingActor 1/setResolution 1 1 1

2.How does the unit of output determine in a ProductionAndStoppingActor?
Like this one for example:

/gate/actor/addActor ProductionAndStoppingActor P&SActor0

/gate/actor/P&SActor0/save ID1.root

/gate/actor/P&SActor0/attachTo phantom

/gate/actor/P&SActor0/addFilter particleFilter

/gate/actor/P&SActor0/particleFilter/addParticle e-

/gate/actor/P&SActor0/addFilter IDFilter

/gate/actor/P&SActor0/IDFilter/selectID 1

/gate/actor/P&SActor0/setResolution 1 1 40

/gate/actor/P&SActor0/stepHitType post

3. How does the unit of output determine in Tracklength actor like this?

/gate/actor/addActor TrackLengthActor TLActor

/gate/actor/TLActor/attachTo     phantom

/gate/actor/TLActor/save  JR-TL.root

/gate/actor/TLActor/setLmin 0 mm

/gate/actor/TLActor/setLmax 1 cm

/gate/actor/TLActor/setNumberOfBins 1000

And how does the suitable Lmin , Lmax and  NumberOfBins  define?

4. what about EnergySpectrumActor? . How does the unit of output determine
in EnergySpectrumActor actor like this?

/gate/actor/addActor EnergySpectrumActor EngActor

/gate/actor/EngActor/attachTo     phantom

/gate/actor/EngActor/save Eng.root

/gate/actor/EngActor/energySpectrum/setEmin 0 eV

/gate/actor/EngActor/energySpectrum/setEmax 2000 keV

/gate/actor/EngActor/energyLossHisto/setNumberOfBins 1000

 And how does the suitable Emin , Emax and  NumberOfBins  define?

Best regards
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