[Gate-users] Extract data of .root file

Maikol Salas Ramirez mmsalas at gmail.com
Tue May 29 09:51:06 CEST 2018

Dear Gate users,

I would like to extract the info of the .root file generated during the
simulation. The problem that I have is that this .root file store the
energy deposited in many histograms (one for each position of the source),
for example I have:
edep Histo,1
edep Histo,2
edep Histo,3
edep Histo,4
edep Histo,5
edep Histo,6

I can not find the way to access the tree and extract the info for an
specific Histo.

If some one has some experience I appreciate any help.

Best regards.
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