[Gate-users] Generating scatter components into interfiles

Allison Craig Allison.Craig at icr.ac.uk
Fri Mar 9 12:29:09 CET 2018

Dear Gate users

I am simulating a SPECT scan and my endpoint is to split the data into scatter components (e.g., primary photons, scatter in phantom etc.) and obtain interfiles for each component.  I can use the root output and with C code split this into .txt files which I am then planning on using IDL to convert to interfile.  However, I am struggling to do the same with SPECT data. I can output data from different rotation angles but I believe I am going wrong because of the x,y,z coordinates of the heads changing for each projection.

Can anyone tell me if interrogating the root files is the correct approach or if I should be using ascii files?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Allison Craig
Principal Radioisotope Physicist
Joint Department of Physics
The Royal Marsden NHSFT
Sutton: 0208 642 6011 ext 4141
allison.craig at icr.ac.uk<mailto:allison.craig at icr.ac.uk>

The Institute of Cancer Research: Royal Cancer Hospital, a charitable Company Limited by Guarantee, Registered in England under Company No. 534147 with its Registered Office at 123 Old Brompton Road, London SW7 3RP.

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