[Gate-users] Gate Cherenkov PET vs (PETscanner or CylindricalPET system) vs CASToR....

Dania Consuegra dconsuegra88 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 16 17:02:34 CEST 2018

Dear Gate users,

In order to use CASToR as a reconstruction program for my Cherenkov PET
images, I'm trying to adapt my PETscanner to a CylindricalPET.

For my PETscanner I was defined previously the attach part as follows:

/gate/systems/PETscanner/level1/attach block

/gate/systems/PETscanner/level2/attach radiator

/gate/systems/PETscanner/level3/attach window

/gate/systems/PETscanner/level4/attach photodetector


The block which is the structure that I repeat in the ring (I have 4 rings)
is now my rsector.

The problem is that my radiator (PbF2), my window and my photodetector
(SiPM) are all inside this main block and I repeat these structures
inside the block. I *c**an*'*t *define in the attach part my window as a
submodule because is*n*'*t **a *box inside the radiator and I
*c**an*'*t **define
my **photodetector **as a crystal because is**n't **a box inside the *

*It is possible to define different modules inside “rsector” successfully*

*How can I set them the “**Depth” **of my **readout **in the **digitizer **to
the last module (my photodetector)**?*

/gate/systems/cylindricalPET/rsector/attach block

/gate/systems/cylindricalPET/module/attach radiator

/gate/systems/cylindricalPET/module/attach window

/gate/systems/cylindricalPET/module/attach photodetector


Any help I would really appreciate it….

Kind regards,

Dania Consuegra Rodríguez

*Phd student **Jožef Stefan Institute*

*PD> **For **a conventional CylindricalPET, CASToR **reconstruction is very
nice **and compatible with the Most likely position (MLP) reconstruction. I
already can use the (MLP) reconstruction for Cherenkov Photons using **the
P**ETscanner system. *
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