[Gate-users] Repeater

Nicollas Goncalves Cavedini nicollas.cavedini at acad.pucrs.br
Sat Jan 6 15:55:24 CET 2018

Hi P.T.

You used the name for the daughter as vox on the first line but on the
second line you use box.
Best regards,

*Nícollas Gonçalves Cavedini*
Undergraduate Student -  Medical Physics
Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/7248406497106855
Contact: +55 (51) 99922-2257
Porto Alegre, Brazil.

2018-01-06 12:47 GMT-02:00 P. T. <ptpphysics at gmail.com>:

> Dear Gater,
> Happy new year.
> Is there any limitation for the number of times N that a  volume has to
> be repeated?
> In my simulation (in Gate 8.0), everything is OK, when i used following
> commands:
> /gate/mainbox/daughters/name vox
> /gate/mainbox/daughters/insert box
> /gate/vox/geometry/setXLength  0.001  mm
> /gate/vox/geometry/setYLength  0.001  mm
> /gate/vox/geometry/setZLength  0.001  mm
> /gate/vox/placement/setTranslation  0. 0. 0. mm
> /gate/vox/repeaters/insert cubicArray
> /gate/vox/cubicArray/setRepeatNumberX 2000
> /gate/vox/cubicArray/setRepeatNumberY 1
> /gate/vox/cubicArray/setRepeatNumberZ 1
> /gate/vox/cubicArray/setRepeatVector  0.001  0.   0. mm
> But, when i used :
> /gate/vox/repeaters/insert cubicArray
> /gate/vox/cubicArray/setRepeatNumberX 2000
> /gate/vox/cubicArray/setRepeatNumberY *2000*
> /gate/vox/cubicArray/setRepeatNumberZ *2000*
> /gate/vox/cubicArray/setRepeatVector  0.001  0.001   0.001 mm
> The simulation is not running after "[Core-0] Initialization of geometry"
> command in terminal screen.
> Furthermore, everything is OK, when i used following commands:
> /gate/vox/repeaters/insert cubicArray
> /gate/vox/cubicArray/setRepeatNumberX *10*
> /gate/vox/cubicArray/setRepeatNumberY *10*
> /gate/vox/cubicArray/setRepeatNumberZ *10*
> /gate/vox/cubicArray/setRepeatVector  0.001  0.001   0.001 mm
> Is there any limitation for the setRepeatNumber?
> And, How can I produce a cubic array with dimension of 2000*2000*2000?
> Thanks in advance,
> Sincerely,
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