[Gate-users] MESH as a Source

Maxime Chauvin maxime.chauvin at inserm.fr
Mon Feb 5 11:01:31 CET 2018

Dear Maikol,

Meshes volumes are not available as a source in GATE.

Something you can do is to define a bigger volume as a source (like a sphere) that contain your meshe volume entirely,
and use the confine option to eliminate all positions outside the meshe. 

In the GATE wiki http://wiki.opengatecollaboration.org/index.php/Users_Guide:Source :
The command:

 /gate/source/NAME/gps/confine NAME_phys 
specifies that the emission must be confined to a volume of the Geant4 geometry. In this case, the emission distribution is the intersection of the General Particle Source (GPS) and the Geant4 volume. The Geant4 volume must be specified by its physical volume name: GATEname + '_phys'. 

Depending on your meshe this will take some time as many primary particles generated will be discarded. To speed up this, try to define a simple volume (like a sphere) with a shape and size as close as possible to your meshe but still including all of the meshe volume.

Best regards,

> On 4 Feb 2018, at 22:53, maik sal <mmsalas at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Gate-Users
> I would like to ask, if someone knows if it is possible to use a MESH volume as a source.
> I use MESH volumes to mask the source (cold volume or forbid volume) and to create the geometry that I need, but now I am facing a time problem, because the mask cover 60% - 90% of the source (it is a very irregular source), it makes that many event be masked (eliminated) and the simulation take longer to achieve the expect number of event.
> If someone has experience with that, I appreciate your help. Or, if someone knows a different way to face this kind of geometries.
> Best regards
> Maikol
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