[Gate-users] Absorbed dose only In VOI's

Faical Alaoui-Abdalaoui-Slimani Faical.Alaoui.Abdalaoui.Slimani at USherbrooke.ca
Thu Oct 5 02:07:19 CEST 2017

Dear David,

Thank you very much for your replay.
In my simulation I'm using "DoseActor" to builds 3D images of the energy (edep) and dose deposited in a given volume.

/gate/actor/addActor                               DoseActor  doseDistribution
/gate/actor/doseDistribution/enableEdep     true
/gate/actor/doseDistribution/enableDose     true

In the result I get the 3D image see attached File "Dose Actors.png". (With 1 to 6 represent generator of photons)
1- Please, How can I calculate the deposit Dose in mGy of each voxels because in my case i get only the  spatial distribution of the dose ?
2- I draw the VOI with matlab script and I'm interested in the cumulated dose in this VOI.  the Analyze file is used as input in the simulation (*.hdr/*.img).
Is there any  method to do it directly with Gate ?

Thank you very much for your time.
Best Regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Gate-users [mailto:gate-users-bounces at lists.opengatecollaboration.org] On Behalf Of David Boersma
Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2017 4:35 AM
To: gate-users at lists.opengatecollaboration.org
Subject: Re: [Gate-users] Absorbed dose only In VOI's

Dear Faical,

I think that this is usually done with external data analysis tools. The technical details depend on how your VOIs are stored & specified, and what exactly you mean by "the resulting dose". There *may* be some convenient tools/scripts that do something similar to what you want to achieve, but you need to be careful to check that it is indeed doing exactly what you want.

E.g. in my own work I also get voxelized dose distributions. I am a fan of python, so I do all my analysis with python scripts. For my case, the ROIs are specified as a set of curves that are stored in a DICOM file. 
My scripts then find all voxels that are within the curves, with some policy for dealing with voxels that are only partly within a curve. 
Etcetera. Other people would maybe do this in matlab, Octave, or a research version of a TPS.


Den 01/10/2017 kl. 17:22, skrev Faical Alaoui-Abdalaoui-Slimani:
> Dear all,
> I have currently been using the DoseActor attached to a Digital mouse 
> phantom to find the absorbed dose in each voxels.
> I simulated different tumors and I'm interested in the resulting dose 
> per specified VOI's.
> please how can i attach a dose actor to each VOI's ?
> Thank you very much for your time.
> --
> Best Regards,
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