[Gate-users] How to use the output of imageCT or ASCII to reconstruct a cross section image?

zhaocyjackie at sina.com zhaocyjackie at sina.com
Fri Mar 17 03:33:50 CET 2017

 Hi, I'm a college student who is doing an assignment of CT simulation with Gate. I've done every steps introduced in the Gate users' guide except the final step of data processing because I have got some problems on it. My goal of processing data is to obtain an image of cross section of the phantom. I have tried 2 types of output: ASCII and ImageCT ( learning how to use ROOT from beginning is so hard for me). I need some help on both of these output types.1、The singles.dat in ASCII output that I obtained only contain 22 column instead of 23 introduced by users' guide. As a result, I don't understand the meaning of each column, and which column is useful if I want to reconstruct an image or do some data analysis.2、I've got some results of ImageCT output, but I don't know how to use them to reconstruct the cross section image. I tried to use ImageJ to open it, but it didn't work.I really need some help! Thank you a lot!
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