[Gate-users] Measurement setting and Output(.mhd)

Emmanuel Marfo emmanuel.marfo at postgrad.otago.ac.nz
Tue Jun 13 10:39:10 CEST 2017

Hi Gate-Users,

  1.  Please, I want to know more explanation of the below command line which is normally used for the later part of the simulation script.  I have attached my macros for your perusal. However, I have challenges and a couple of questions to ask

  *   /gate/application/setTimeSlice   1 s
  *   /gate/application/setTimeStart   0 s
  *   /gate/application/setTimeStop    1 s

2. Please, I am also trying to use MATLAB to analyse the Data Output in my simulation, I used .mhd for the actors but I get two output results in .mhd and .raw format, and I do not how to analyse them or which one contains the essential information.  Can you suggest an easy format I could use in Matlab and if there is any script in Matlab to help my analysis?

3. Please, what is the simple way to analyse  Gate energy spectrum? Thanks

Best regards,

Emmanuel Marfo

University of Otago


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