[Gate-users] Is there any way to dealing with Coincidences in the "scanner" system?

Filomeno Sanchez Martinez filsan at i3m.upv.es
Fri Jun 2 11:52:07 CEST 2017

Dear all,
I am trying to simulate a new geometry for a PET with the "scanner"  
system option. The reason is that the PET is not symmetric and I want  
to place more modules in the front than in the rear part of the field  
of view. So I can not use the "cylindricalPEt" or any other  
conventional PET geometry available on GATE. However, despite of the  
fact that I get in the Singles file all recorded events, the  
Coincidences file is empty. I run GATE with verbosity level 2 for the  
coincidence digitizer module and the Coincidence module reject all  
true coincidences  (the exact message is: "deleting coincidence pulse  
with forbidden coincidence"). Please, could someone tell me if there  
is any way to obtain Coincidences when using the general "scanner"  
system with GATE?. I am affraid that the problem could be the  
minSectorDifference parameter. I can not have "rsector" in the  
"scanner" system but the "level1". I assumed that GATE treats "level1"  
differences as if they were "rsector" differences, but probably I am  
wrong. Is there any way to dealing with coincidences when working with  
the general geometry GATE "scanner" system?
Tank you very much in advance for your interest.
Best regards

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