[Gate-users] How to compile a new geometry class?

Andreas Menzel am at crystal-photonics.com
Thu Jun 1 09:39:39 CEST 2017

Dear Gate community,

probably this has been asked before, but it seems I cannot use the 
mailing list's archive.

So, can someone please tell me where to find instructions on how to 
compile a newly added class in Gate? I don't seem to find it in the 
online documentation, either.

To be specific, I am supposed to do a simulation which contains a rather 
complex collimator. As the Gate scripting language does not seem to 
support what I am trying to do, I decided to use two different ways and 
try out which one works better: The first one is to use Geant4's boolean 
solids and do subtractions of geometry primitives. The second would be 
to load a GDML file containing the geometry which also can be done in 
Geant4. I only started the first one and I wrote a Gate geometry class 
and a messenger connected to it as well as the necessary header files.

Now, is there some template makefile / CMakeLists.txt I could use to 
actually compile these and test them? Or do I just put the sources into 
the location of the other Gate sources and re-make the whole thing so 
that the new files are compiled?

Thanks for your help!

Andreas Menzel

Dr. Andreas Menzel

Crystal Photonics GmbH
Albert Einstein Straße 16
D - 12489 Berlin

FAX.: +49 (0) 30 34669299

am at crystal-photonics.com
Geschäftsführer: Klaus Schwenkenbecher
Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg HRB 99822B
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