[Gate-users] Fwd: Problems with concurrent simulations

Clemens S. clem.schmid at gmail.com
Tue Jul 25 15:42:25 CEST 2017

Dear fellow Gate-users,

I'm contacting you again because of persisting multiprocess issues on
Ubuntu 16.04 and Gate 7.2, using Fixed Forced Detection. I'm attaching the
email I sent two weeks ago, to which sadly nobody answered. (there should
be a .zip of my simulation folder attached; please tell me if this got lost
by the mailing list.)

This may be a fringe use case and not easy for somebody to understand my
macro and help me, but I really am out of luck on this issue. I would be
immensely grateful if somebody could help me or give me any ideas. Maybe
somebody has experience with concurrent Fixed Forced Detection-MC ?

I am looking forward to your ideas.

Kind regards
Clemens Schmid

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Clemens S. <clem.schmid at gmail.com>
Date: 2017-07-07 11:20 GMT+02:00
Subject: Problems with concurrent simulations
To: gate-users at lists.opengatecollaboration.org

Dear fellow Gate-Users,

I've already posted on the mailing list a month ago because of problems
with performing multiple concurrent Gate simulations.
A few people gave me suggestions for which I am very thankful, despite not
getting back to you.

Nevertheless, I still have the same problems.

I attached a zip of the simulation folder. The run.sh script can be used to
start the simulations, although I myself start them from Python with the
subprocess module (because I use a Python framework to construct the
simulations). The problem is the same for both situations, though:
When I start the simulations, they stay a very long time at "[Core-0]
Initialization of geometry" (see log file in logs/ folder). I played around
with the verbosity settings, but I could not find any hints to the reason
for this. When I run a single simulation, it doesn't hang at all.

I also tried to launch concurrent simulations from seperate folders, one
for each simulation -- so that they don't read from the same files. That
didn't make a difference.
I should also note that all this happened on local storage.

I want to apologize for my lack of communication after last month's
question. Other issues got in my way and I now again have time to work on
the multiprocess issues.
I'm looking forward to your suggestions! Thank you very much for your help.

Best regards
Clemens Schmid

B.Sc. Clemens Schmid

Technische Universität München
Lehrstuhl für Biomedizinische Physik E17

James-Franck-Straße 1
85748 Garching b. München

Tel: +49 89 289 12591 <+49%2089%2028912591>
clem.schmid at tum.de
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