[Gate-users] Validating Gate counts with Spekcalc counts

Emmanuel Marfo emmanuel.marfo at postgrad.otago.ac.nz
Mon Jul 17 10:49:35 CEST 2017


Please, I am having some challenges here and I need help. I imported spekcalc spectrum /[keV.cm2.mAs] and got a corresponding spectrum in GATE. I, therefore, perforemd this simple calculation to validate the GATE spectrum with spekcalc. Consider sample calculation below

SpekCalc Data

The spekcalc spectrum was converted from at 1m to 0.1m before using it as source in GATE

keV   #\[keV.cm2.mAs] at 0.1m

36          7.6e07

37          8.8e07


The scoring plane in GATE was box(Air) at 0.1 from source with dimension X(cm)=1,Y(cm)=1e-5, Z(cm)=1. The Y(cm) was made smaller so that we can assume cm3=cm2.

MeV            probability weighting #\[MeV.cm3.incident particle] at 0.1m

0.036          5.7e-3

0.037          6.5e-3

Converting GATE units to spekcalc units

Taking 0.036 MeV

For volume conversion cm3=cm2

For MeV to keV

I obtained 5.7e-6/[keV.cm2.incident particles]

1electron=incident particles= mAs/(6.25e15)

therefore I multipled 5.7e-6 by 6.25e15


I therefore compare

 keV                             GATE                                                             Spekcalc

  36                    3.5812e10/[keV.cm2.mAs]                          7.6e07[keV.cm2.mAs]

I realised GATE counts appears to higher than Spekcal counts by a factor of about 1000. My initial guess is if every thing is right I shound get the same counts in GATE. Please any help is appreciated. Thanks.

Best regards,

Emmanuel Marfo

University of Otago


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