[Gate-users] Crystal volume ID

Karl Spuhler karl.spuhler at stonybrook.edu
Mon Jul 10 18:37:40 CEST 2017


I am attempting to bin the ASCII output of an ECAT system simulation to
sinogram space. I am having some trouble with this as I cannot find
anything in the user guide which specifically lists how crystals in a
module are indexed. Could someone please clarify this for me.

For example, if I have--in the same module with an 8x8 crystal
array--coincidence events in crystals 1 and 2, would these crystals both
belong to the same crystal ring, or adjacent crystal rings? Alternatively,
in an 8x8 array, are crystals 1-8 in the same ring, with another ring
formed by crystals 9-16?

Thank you for your assistance.

Karl Spuhler

SUNY Stony Brook
PhD Student
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