[Gate-users] Error in installing GATE_v7.2 on Ubuntu_16.04_LTS

Dr.D.Nikolopoulos dniko at teipir.gr
Wed Jan 25 10:50:16 CET 2017

Please try these scripts that we have prepared here in PUAS (Greece). 
There might need some minor scripting, or manually run the commands. I
hope that it assists.

Dr.Dimitrios Nikolopoulos
Environmental-Health Physics
Associate Professor
Piraeus University of Applied Sciences,
Department of Electronic Computer Systems Engineering,
Petrou Ralli & Thivon 250, GR122 44, Aigaleo, Greece
e-mail      : dniko at teipir.gr
              NikolopoulosDimitrios at gmail.com
Mobile      : +0030-6977-208318
Home        : +0030-213-0308432
Tel (Office): +0030-210-5381560
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Skype       : dr.dimitrios.nikolopoulos
Internet    : http://env-hum-comp-res.daidalos.teipir.gr/
url-1       : http://www.researchers.gr/el/node/71649
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On 01/25/2017 06:50 AM, Chekdob Bagdob wrote:
> Dear GATE users,
>            Recently I am trying to install GATE_v7.2 on my
> Ubuntu_16.04_LTS. I choose to follow the wiki page
> (http://wiki.opengatecollaboration.org/index.php/Compilation_Instructions_V7.2).
> Here under I have listed series of task that I performed:
>     1. First I go to package requirement page and installed packages
> listed for Ubuntu_16.04_LTS.
>     2. Then I installed CLHEP following the steps explained in
> compilation wiki page
> (http://wiki.opengatecollaboration.org/index.php/Compilation_Instructions_V7.2).
>     3. Then I installed binary version of root_v6.08.
>     4. Then I installed Geant4_v10.1 with patch 02. Although for
> GATE_v7.2 we need Geant4_v10.2 but in installation guide page
> (http://wiki.opengatecollaboration.org/index.php/Installation_Guide_V7.2)
> they mentioned that GATE_v7.2 is backward compatible with Geant4_v10.1
> with patch 02.
>     5. Finally I started installing GATE_v7.2. But after successively
> running ccmake command, in make -j4 step I get the error like this
>                error: 'kCanRebin' is not a member of 'TH1'
>                pFrag -> SetBit (TH1: kCanRebin)
>  So, I tried to google the problem I get a suggestion that I should
> install root_v5.34. But there is no binary version for
> Ubuntu_v16.04_LTS. So I downloaded source version and installed it
> through 'environment driven build method' explained in INSTALL file.
> But same error remains ('kCanRebin').
> Some useful information:
>    cmake --version >> 3.5.1
>    gcc     --version >> 5.4.0
>    c++    --version >> 5.4.0
>    Processor Intel Core i5-6402P CPU @ 2.80 GHz * 4
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