[Gate-users] F-18 source helper keywords

Caroline Machado Dartora caroline.dartora at acad.pucrs.br
Wed Feb 22 20:42:25 CET 2017

Dear Gate-users,

The GATE manual talks about a helper keyword  who defines the spectrum of
F-18 named "Fluor18" and a helper keyword named "back-to-back" who simulate
two annihilation photons.
Someone knows if I put the helper keyword "Fluor18" in my macro job I need
to set the "back-to-back" source or if just with the "Fluor18" keyword I
have the positrons and 2 gammas emitted like the decay of F-18?

Another question: I'm simulating dose in a virtual anthropomorphic phantom.
I want to simulate the realistic decay of F-18. If the helper Keyword
"Fluor18" and "back-to-back" are necessary for a realistic simulation of a
F-18 source, someone knows if I need to set the interfile reader two times
and named like two different sources: one for "Fluor18" and another for
"back-to-back" source?

Thanks in advance,

*Caroline Dartora*
Physicist - BSc in Medical Physics
Electrical Engineering Master Student
Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil​
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