[Gate-users] Regular Parameterization Error with Geant4 v10
Triltsch, Nicolas
nicolas.triltsch at tum.de
Mon Feb 13 16:38:51 CET 2017
Hey David & Maxime,
Thanks for your advice. I tried to use the option
ImageRegionalizedVolume (plus the distance map) instead of
ImageNestedParametrisedVolume, but it gives the following error:
"/[Physic-0] The following Geant4's physic-list is enabled :emlivermore//
//GateVImageVolume.cc (l.363): The image contains HU indices out of
range of the HU range found in data/waterbottle_HU2mat.txt//
//min, max:0, 4.//
//min, max in image: -1, 3//
I am confused by this error as I am using the the same HU2mat.txt and
.mhd+.raw files as before. Does the new Parameterization method require
different material descriptors or what could be the reason? My image
contains of 4 materials only: Air (index 0), water (index 1), plastic
(index 2) and lead (index 3).
On 02/10/2017 04:57 PM, David Sarrut wrote:
> Hello,
> To my knowledge, RegularParameterization with flag skipEqualMaterials
> is still buggy (it should be disabled: if someone know this code,
> please propose a pull request to correct or disable this option).
> Use either:
> - ImageNestedParametrisedVolume : simple conventional navigator,
> similar to regular, (slightly faster)
> - ImageRegionalizedVolume as proposed by Maxime. It could be 3-4 times
> faster in some cases but it depends on what you are storing during the
> simulation. If it is a dose map, take care to the statistical
> uncertainties. If you are only interested in particle outgoing the
> volume (for imaging for example), it is safe to use. Of course, the
> speed up depends on the voxelized volume (faster if lot of similar
> material).
> Doc is here:
> http://wiki.opengatecollaboration.org/index.php/Users_Guide_V8.0:Voxelized_Source_and_Phantom#Nested_parameterization_method
> David
> On Fri, Feb 10, 2017 at 4:45 PM, Maxime Chauvin
> <maxime.chauvin at inserm.fr <mailto:maxime.chauvin at inserm.fr>> wrote:
> Hello Nicolas,
> I had the same problem as you and couldn’t fix it. On the other
> hand there is a even more efficient way using
> ImageRegionalizedVolume. It will further speed up the simulation
> especially if your geometry has a lot of common voxel
> and you will get rid of this warning.
> Cheers,
> Maxime
>> On 10 Feb 2017, at 14:41, Triltsch, Nicolas
>> <nicolas.triltsch at tum.de <mailto:nicolas.triltsch at tum.de>> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I tried to speed up my simulation by choosing Regular
>> Parameterization (with flag skipEqualMaterials to 1) instead of
>> Nested Parameterization, because my Volume got a lot of voxels
>> with the same material. It did indeed speed up the simulation by
>> a factor of 15, but some projections of my CT simulation failed
>> (error: segmentation fault; crash).
>> Now I saw that during the initialization phase of gate it states
>> the following:
>> /### WARNING ### setSkipEqualMaterials at false !! The Geant4
>> method is not safe since the release 9.5 - Need to be fixed/
>> I am pretty sure that this warning is somehow connected to the
>> warning. Does anyone know if there had been a bug fix for Geant4
>> v10.2.2?
>> In the appendix there is a screenshot of the error.
>> Cheers,
>> Nico
>> --
>> B.Sc. Nicolas Triltsch
>> Masterand
>> Technische Universität München
>> Physik-Department
>> Lehrstuhl für Biomedizinische Physik E17
>> James-Franck-Straße 1
>> 85748 Garching b. München
>> Tel:+49 89 289 12591 <tel:+49%2089%2028912591>
>> nicolas.triltsch at tum.de <mailto:nicolas.triltsch at tum.de>
>> www.e17.ph.tum.de <http://www.e17.ph.tum.de/>
>> <error1.png><error2.png>_______________________________________________
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> David Sarrut, Phd
> Directeur de recherche CNRS
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B.Sc. Nicolas Triltsch
Technische Universität München
Lehrstuhl für Biomedizinische Physik E17
James-Franck-Straße 1
85748 Garching b. München
Tel: +49 89 289 12591
nicolas.triltsch at tum.de
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0 1 Vacuum
1 2 Water
2 3 PET
3 4 Lead
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