[Gate-users] Gate

Amir Ghabrial eng_amir_shawky at hotmail.com
Thu Feb 9 15:29:12 CET 2017

Dear Gate Users,

I'm simulating the mCT PET system with NEMA 2007 scatter fraction phantom. The results changing significantly with changing the QE in the digitizer, and I got the same results as the Published Experimental Data by putting the QE to 0.97. However, the randoms are too high, and when I apply the same code for the sensitivity phantom with QE 0.9 I got the same results as the experimental, but for 0.97 I got different results. I was wondering where is the problem as I'm using GATE V7.2 ??

and what is the best physics code for the PET scanner?

many thanks in advance


P.S  attached here the GATE code and the analysis

#### with the QE =0.97   #######

##### Reading from file: NECR1297.root

##### the source activity (Mbq): 22

##### nb of singles entries: 4929027
 ### nb of Coincicences entries:   180052

Info in <TCanvas::Print>: GIF file GraphicFileName1.gif has been created
 *      _   _                                                   _   _              *
 *     (_)_(_)      S i m u l a t i o n   A n a l y s i s      (_)_(_)             *
 *      (o o)                                                   (o o)              *
 *      =\o/=                 by Amir Ghabrial                  =\o/=             *

##### Number of emitted particles    :  43995161
##### Number of detected events      :  4929027
##### ratio detected/emitted         :  11.2036 %

 Acquisition start time = 0 [s]
 Acquisition stop time  = 2 [s]
 F-18 decay factor = 0.999895
 F-18 initial activity = 2.2e+07 [Bq]
 F-18 decays = 4.39954e+07
 ==> Expected total number of decays during the acquisition is 4.39954e+07 +/- 6632.9
 There are 4.39954e+07 recorded decays
  ==> there are 180052 coincidences (true, scattered, and random)
  ==> absolute sensitivity = 0.209397 %
|                                             |
|  ==> scatter fraction = 33.9998                    % |

  ==> NECR = 47.1365          kcps


#   P R O M P T S       =   180052   Cps
#   S C A T T E R S     =   47458   Cps
#   T R U E S           =   92125   Cps
#   R A N D O M S       =   40469   Cps
|                                             |
|  T O T A L   S E N S I T I V I T Y   :   1.04699   (kcps/Mbq)|



##### Number of emitted particles    :  43995161
##### Number of detected events      :  4929027
##### ratio detected/emitted         :  11.2036 %
##### Primary events/detected events :  33.027 %
##### Scatter in the phantom         :  16.0411 %
##### Scatter in the bed             :  2.86612 %
##### Scatter in the crystal         :  47.3715 %
##### Scatter in the backcompartment :  0.0390949 %

##### Scatter order  1 : 62.7052 %
##### Scatter order  2 : 28.7689 %
##### Scatter order  3 : 7.09154 %
##### Scatter order  4 : 1.23322 %
##### Scatter order >4 : 0.201084 %


#### with the QE =0.90  #######

##### Reading from file: NECR12.root

 please enter the source activity (bq):
##### the source activity (Mbq): 22

 please enter the StartTime(sec):
 please enter the StopTime(sec):

##### Reading from file: NECR12.root

##### the source activity (Mbq): 22

##### nb of singles entries: 3887218
 ### nb of Coincicences entries:   113652

Info in <TCanvas::Print>: GIF file GraphicFileName1.gif has been created
 *      _   _                                                   _   _              *
 *     (_)_(_)      S i m u l a t i o n   A n a l y s i s      (_)_(_)             *
 *      (o o)                                                   (o o)              *
 *      =\o/=                 by Amir Ghabrial                  =\o/=             *

##### Number of emitted particles    :  44000672
##### Number of detected events      :  3887218
##### ratio detected/emitted         :  8.83445 %

 Acquisition start time = 0 [s]
 Acquisition stop time  = 2 [s]
 F-18 decay factor = 0.999895
 F-18 initial activity = 2.2e+07 [Bq]
 F-18 decays = 4.39954e+07
 ==> Expected total number of decays during the acquisition is 4.39954e+07 +/- 6632.9
 There are 4.39954e+07 recorded decays
  ==> there are 113652 coincidences (true, scattered, and random)
  ==> absolute sensitivity = 0.158014 %
|                                             |
|  ==> scatter fraction = 20.6404                    % |

  ==> NECR = 42.5236          kcps


#   P R O M P T S       =   113652   Cps
#   S C A T T E R S     =   18081   Cps
#   T R U E S           =   69519   Cps
#   R A N D O M S       =   26052   Cps
|                                             |
|  T O T A L   S E N S I T I V I T Y   :   0.789977   (kcps/Mbq)|



##### Number of emitted particles    :  44000672
##### Number of detected events      :  3887218
##### ratio detected/emitted         :  8.83445 %
##### Primary events/detected events :  36.4297 %
##### Scatter in the phantom         :  9.38772 %
##### Scatter in the bed             :  1.65764 %
##### Scatter in the crystal         :  52.1238 %
##### Scatter in the backcompartment :  0.0170816 %

##### Scatter order  1 : 66.2682 %
##### Scatter order  2 : 26.7708 %
##### Scatter order  3 : 5.86739 %
##### Scatter order  4 : 0.949045 %
##### Scatter order >4 : 0.144631 %


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