[Gate-users] CT simulation, save multiple outputs, parallelization

Triltsch, Nicolas nicolas.triltsch at tum.de
Tue Feb 7 10:58:06 CET 2017

Hello Gate community,

I am using the fixed forced detection actor (ffda) and I try to run a 
full CT simulation with 1201 projections. My first question aims to the 
possibilities of parallelization. I noticed that if I run a single 
projection, all 4 cores of my local computer are running at almost 100%. 
Is there already some intrinsic parallelization step when using the ffda 
and what further parallelization steps are possible to speed up the 
simulation for 1 projection? If it helps I use a voxelized phantom, cone 
beam setup, a xray spectrum histogram, integrating detector and 1000 

My second question is how to save several .mha images in the output 
folder when simulating all 1201 projections. Still, I am using the ffda 
actor and with the command "//gate/actor/ffda/primaryFilename 
output/primary.mha" /the primary image gets overwritten for each 
projection. How can I save different primary images for each projection?

Any help is appreciated!


B.Sc. Nicolas Triltsch

Technische Universität München
Lehrstuhl für Biomedizinische Physik E17

James-Franck-Straße 1
85748 Garching b. München

Tel: +49 89 289 12591

nicolas.triltsch at tum.de

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