[Gate-users] Fwd:

Mery MB mery.mb.mph at gmail.com
Sat Dec 16 10:30:44 CET 2017

Dear All user
Good day,

I want to simulate a Radiotherapy Plan with Gate for my thesis.
I simulated Elekta Precise machine and import Rando phantom CT images to
the code. CT images are from hole body of  Rando phantom (179 Slice with
0.5 cm thickness)
the first  problem which I have is; I can not see the Rando Phantom ... I
mean when I run the code the produced HepRapp file is so big (around 13GB)
and the HepRapp can not open it!!!
Is there another viewer to see the position of CT dicom on geometry in
Gate. Is there any solution to solve the problem?

Best Regards
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