[Gate-users] Multiprocessing solved and possible bug

Clemens S. clem.schmid at gmail.com
Wed Aug 2 11:11:27 CEST 2017

Dear fellow Gate-users,

I've contacted this mailing list several times because of problems with
running multiple concurrent Gate simulations (Gate 7.2, Ubuntu 16.04, using
Fixed Forced Detection). The simulations seemed to get stuck at the setup
of the run, before simulating any photons and would only continue after 10
or more minutes.

I now finally managed to get it working and possibly found a bug:

I used the Mersenne Twister with the seed set to `auto` and the simulations
got stuck at setup. When I switched to a user-input seed (hardcoded or via
an alias), the simulations flew through setup and ran immediately.

Although the documentation claims Gate uses the PID and unixtime to
generate the `auto` seeds, maybe the processes get stuck reading from
/dev/urandom or something.

This information if FYI, so that you don't have the same problem.

Kind regards
Clemens Schmid
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