[Gate-users] merge mhd files

G Tom gregthom992 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 20 22:06:50 CEST 2017

Thanks Simon,

Ill work on this tonight.


On Thu, Apr 20, 2017 at 3:19 PM, Luc SIMON <uhqd75 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear all
> I have a very very simple C code (attached) that merge to raw file if they
> have the same size (then I just keep the header of one of them for the
> merged file)
> To compile :
> gcc -c merge.c
> gcc merge.o -o merge
> Then
> // Use : ./merge img1.raw img2.raw out.raw
> // Add img1.raw and img2.raw in out.raw
> Hereafter you ll find a part of a small bash script that loop in a
> directory to merge many files...
>     # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>     # MERGING
>     # get name of the first file
>     file1=`ls -1 output/water/*doseW.raw | head -1`
>     mv $file1 output/water/first.raw
>     cp output/water/first.raw output/water/backUp.raw
>     varW=0
>     for file in output/water/*doseW.raw
>     do
>     varW=$((varW+1))
>     # merge first and next into out
>     output/water/merge $file output/water/first.raw output/water/out.raw
>     # out become first
>     mv output/water/out.raw output/water/first.raw
>     done
>     varW=$((varW+1))
>     mv output/water/backUp.raw $file1
>     mv output/water/first.raw output/water/out.raw
>    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> Not perfect but it works for me
> hope it helps
> 2017-04-20 20:42 GMT+02:00 G Tom <gregthom992 at gmail.com>:
>> Does anyone have a script to merge (mhd in particular or other files txt
>> from dose actor)  files from several split simulations ? VV seems to only
>> merge several nD into (n+1)D not several nD into nD.
>> Thanks
>> GT
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> --
> ___________________
> SIMON Luc, Physicien Médical, PhD
> Département d'Ingénierie et de Physique Médicale - IUCT-Oncopole -
> Toulouse, FRANCE
> INSERM UMR 1037 (CRCT) - Equipe 15 - Toulouse, FRANCE
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