[Gate-users] Geant4 new logo contest

Laurent Garnier laurent.garnier at univ-rennes1.fr
Sun Oct 30 00:38:17 CEST 2016

Dear Colleagues,

As Geant4 is a part of GATE, I forward you this information :

We are setting an open competition for the creation of the new Geant4 logo !
The competition is open until 12th November 2016 midnight (GMT).
One winner will receive the prize consisting of 150€.

Competition is open for :
A square logo, ratio 1:1 (for Youtube, Facebook, ...)
A horizontal banner, aspect ratio between 3:1 and 5:1 (for web-pages and publications)
Competition web site : https://g4logo-contest.github.io <https://g4logo-contest.github.io/>/ 

For more information, contact Laurent Garnier (laurent.garnier at univ-rennes1.fr <mailto:laurent.garnier at univ-rennes1.fr>) or Alex Howard (ahoward at mail.cern.ch <mailto:ahoward at mail.cern.ch>).
A pdf file of the competition is attached.

Please feel free to forward this competition into your lab, home, share with your friends, friend of friend who know a graphic designer, etc…

Kind regards,
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