[Gate-users] PostDoc position at AMaROC (Nantes, France)

Nicolas CHOUIN nicolas.chouin at oniris-nantes.fr
Sat Oct 15 19:09:49 CEST 2016

Dear all, 

We have a post-doctoral position (2 years) open in our AMaROC research team at Oniris (French National College of Veterinary Medicine, Nantes, France). It is about a population pharmacokinetics approach in the field of molecular radiotherapy. 

See the attached PDFs for details. 

Do not hesitate to spread the word. 

Best regards, 

Nicolas Chouin, PhD 

Associate professor 



Site de la Chantrerie - CS 40706 

44307 Nantes, cedex 03, France 

Tel: +33-2-40-68-78-65 
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