[Gate-users] Fixed Forced Detection Actor

Triltsch, Nicolas nicolas.triltsch at tum.de
Mon Nov 28 14:00:09 CET 2016

Hey everyone,

I have three questions concerning the fixed forced detection actor(ffda):

1) As output one can generate e.g. primary.mha, compton.mha, 
rayleigh.mha and total.mha images. In the GATE wiki it states, that 
primary + compton + rayleigh = total. But if I compare the two images 
they are different! Why? (total.mha image was flatfield corrected by 
default; primary, compton and rayleigh weren't, so I used the 
flatField.mha to correct them before the comparison with total.mha)

2) For the ffda the source needs to be focused. Why is that necessary?

3) One output image is called secondary.mha. First, I thought this image 
would represent secondary scatter events. But in the GATE wiki it says 
that secondary = compton + rayleigh. Is their a way to obtain a 
secondary scatter (multiple scatter) image?

I would appreciate any help!


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