[Gate-users] CLHEP library error
David Boersma
david.boersma at physics.uu.se
Wed Mar 2 12:28:36 CET 2016
Den 02/03/2016 kl. 12:18, skrev Gustaf Lönn:
> Hej
> Yes using the same versions, which is one reason why we are so confused
> about this issue. It stopped working when we tried to run a different
> geant4 version with gate. Since then it has not worked, despite our
> efforts to restore it and reinstall it.
FWIW: I just built Gate v7.1 with geant 4.10.01.p03 on an SL6 machine. I
could run example3 of the radiotherapy examples without any linking
> I will try to install gate7.2 with the corresponding dependencies to see
> if it works.
> //
> Gustaf
>> 2 mars 2016 kl. 11:56 skrev David Boersma <david.boersma at physics.uu.se
>> <mailto:david.boersma at physics.uu.se>>:
>> Hej Gustaf,
>> Den 02/03/2016 kl. 11:26, skrev Gustaf Lönn:
>>> Hej!
>>> I have ld: GNU ld version
>>> and gcc: gcc version 4.4.7 (Red Hat 4.4.7-4)
>>> Gate did work on the cluster up to about one week ago
>> - With the same geant4 and gate versions? Compiler bugs are rare and
>> their symptoms can disappear by using a slightly different version of
>> your code.
>> - UPPMAX (the Uppsala university cluster) has 23 different versions of
>> gcc available, ranging from 4.3.6 to 5.3.0, but the 4.4.* series is
>> conspicuously missing. However I do have access to a Scientific Linux
>> 6 system, with similar compiler details as your system. I'll check.
>> Speaking of different versions: you could also try to install Geant4
>> 10.02 and Gate v7.2 and see if that maybe works fine. Is there any
>> reason you absolutely need Gate v7.1?
>> /David
>>> //
>>> Gustaf
>>>> 2 mars 2016 kl. 11:10 skrev David Boersma
>>>> <david.boersma at physics.uu.se <mailto:david.boersma at physics.uu.se>
>>>> <mailto:david.boersma at physics.uu.se>>:
>>>> Hej,
>>>> Well, the plot thickens. "Linux Rocks" is a pretty cool name for a
>>>> linux distribution. :)
>>>> Next hypothesis to check: "it's due to an internal bug in the
>>>> compiler/linker on your system".
>>>> Since we are on different distributions it's possible that I cannot
>>>> reproduce your problem because of different versions of the compiler
>>>> (gcc) and the linker (ld). Maybe the compiler/linker on rocks 6.1.1
>>>> has a bug that the versions on Ubuntu 14.04 do not have.
>>>> Version details for Ubuntu 14.04:
>>>> ld: GNU ld (GNU Binutils for Ubuntu) 2.24
>>>> gcc: gcc (Ubuntu 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1) 4.8.4
>>>> Could you tell me the version details on your system? It's also
>>>> possible that Rocks does not use gcc/ld at all but some completely
>>>> different compiler and linker program, e.g. the intel compiler. I had
>>>> a quick look at the Rocks 6.1.1 online docs but could find any info
>>>> about that.
>>>> I have an account on UPPMAX, I could try to reproduce the error on
>>>> that system. And/Or maybe better: you could try to configure a
>>>> different compiler/linker on your system, e.g. similar to the Ubuntu
>>>> ones, and see if that makes the error go away.
>>>> Mvh,
>>>> DavidB
>>>> Den 02/03/2016 kl. 09:52, skrev Andrej Studen:
>>>>> Hi!
>>>>> This probably will not help, but what I did was that I searched my
>>>>> libraries for the offending symbol, and found out that it only appears
>>>>> in physics lists and processes:
>>>>> #>for f in `ldd /data0/studen/software/install/Gate-slc/bin/Gate | awk
>>>>> '{print $3;}' | sed -n '/net/p'`; do echo $f; nm $f | grep
>>>>> GammaParticipants; done;
>>>>> /net/f9pc22/data0/studen/software/install/geant4-slc/lib64/libG4physicslists.so
>>>>> 00000000000a2fa0 W _ZN10G4QGSModelI19G4GammaParticipantsE10GetStringsEv
>>>>> 00000000000a27a0 W
>>>>> _ZN10G4QGSModelI19G4GammaParticipantsE4InitERK9G4NucleusRK17G4DynamicParticle
>>>>> 00000000000a2d80 W _ZN10G4QGSModelI19G4GammaParticipantsEC1Ev
>>>>> 00000000000a2d80 W _ZN10G4QGSModelI19G4GammaParticipantsEC2Ev
>>>>> 00000000000a2780 W _ZN10G4QGSModelI19G4GammaParticipantsED0Ev
>>>>> 00000000000a26e0 W _ZN10G4QGSModelI19G4GammaParticipantsED1Ev
>>>>> 00000000000a26e0 W _ZN10G4QGSModelI19G4GammaParticipantsED2Ev
>>>>> 00000000000a2f20 W
>>>>> _ZNK10G4QGSModelI19G4GammaParticipantsE16ModelDescriptionERSo
>>>>> 00000000000a26c0 W
>>>>> _ZNK10G4QGSModelI19G4GammaParticipantsE17GetWoundedNucleusEv
>>>>> 00000000000a26d0 W
>>>>> _ZNK10G4QGSModelI19G4GammaParticipantsE20GetProjectileNucleusEv
>>>>> 0000000000309740 V _ZTI10G4QGSModelI19G4GammaParticipantsE
>>>>> 00000000000e3960 V _ZTS10G4QGSModelI19G4GammaParticipantsE
>>>>> 00000000003096e0 V _ZTV10G4QGSModelI19G4GammaParticipantsE
>>>>> U _ZTV19G4GammaParticipants
>>>>> /net/f9pc22/data0/studen/software/install/geant4-slc/lib64/libG4processes.so
>>>>> 0000000000bd6850 t _GLOBAL__I_G4GammaParticipants.cc
>>>>> 0000000000bd69a0 T
>>>>> _ZN19G4GammaParticipants18SelectInteractionsERK17G4ReactionProduct
>>>>> 0000000000bd71c0 W _ZN19G4GammaParticipantsD0Ev
>>>>> 0000000000bd71a0 W _ZN19G4GammaParticipantsD1Ev
>>>>> 0000000000bd71a0 W _ZN19G4GammaParticipantsD2Ev
>>>>> 00000000015f1380 V _ZTI19G4GammaParticipants
>>>>> 000000000124ce40 V _ZTS19G4GammaParticipants
>>>>> 00000000015f1320 V _ZTV19G4GammaParticipants
>>>>> However both libG4processes.so and libG4physicslists.so seem to be the
>>>>> default Geant4 libraries for Gustaf. Btw - this is V7.1 w/ Geant10.1
>>>>> Cheers
>>>>> A.
>>>>> On 03/02/16 09:25, Gustaf Lönn wrote:
>>>>>> Hi again!
>>>>>> I removed all the previous versions of geant4 and gate and did a full
>>>>>> recompilation from scratch with new build directories. Contrary to
>>>>>> what I stated before I am not using ubuntu but a Rocks 6.1.1
>>>>>> distribution of linux for cluster simulations.
>>>>>> When I try to run gate I still get the same error:
>>>>>> Symbol `_ZTV19G4GammaParticipants' has different size in shared
>>>>>> object, consider re-linking
>>>>>> Gate: symbol lookup error: Gate: undefined symbol:
>>>>>> ZN12G4AllocStats6numCatE
>>>>>> In my bash script I have:
>>>>>> source /home/gate/gate_sources2/root/bin/thisroot.sh
>>>>>> source /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/bin/geant4.sh
>>>>>> export Path=$PATH: /home/gate/gate_sources2/gate_v7.1-install/bin/
>>>>>> and "ldd /home/gate/gate_sources2/gate_v7.1-install/bin/Gate” returns
>>>>>> the following output:
>>>>>> inux-vdso.so.1 => (0x00007fffb4fff000)
>>>>>> libG4Tree.so =>
>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4Tree.so
>>>>>> (0x00007f2df3227000)
>>>>>> libG4FR.so =>
>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4FR.so
>>>>>> (0x00007f2df3013000)
>>>>>> libG4GMocren.so =>
>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4GMocren.so
>>>>>> (0x00007f2df2dd2000)
>>>>>> libG4visHepRep.so =>
>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4visHepRep.so
>>>>>> (0x00007f2df2b4b000)
>>>>>> libG4RayTracer.so =>
>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4RayTracer.so
>>>>>> (0x00007f2df2921000)
>>>>>> libG4VRML.so =>
>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4VRML.so
>>>>>> (0x00007f2df270a000)
>>>>>> libG4vis_management.so =>
>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4vis_management.so
>>>>>> (0x00007f2df243e000)
>>>>>> libG4modeling.so =>
>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4modeling.so
>>>>>> (0x00007f2df2188000)
>>>>>> libG4interfaces.so =>
>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4interfaces.so
>>>>>> (0x00007f2df1f52000)
>>>>>> libG4persistency.so =>
>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4persistency.so
>>>>>> (0x00007f2df1cb6000)
>>>>>> libG4analysis.so =>
>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4analysis.so
>>>>>> (0x00007f2df1854000)
>>>>>> libG4error_propagation.so =>
>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4error_propagation.so
>>>>>> (0x00007f2df1619000)
>>>>>> libG4readout.so =>
>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4readout.so
>>>>>> (0x00007f2df1411000)
>>>>>> libG4physicslists.so =>
>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4physicslists.so
>>>>>> (0x00007f2df10f7000)
>>>>>> libG4run.so =>
>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4run.so
>>>>>> (0x00007f2df0e8c000)
>>>>>> libG4event.so =>
>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4event.so
>>>>>> (0x00007f2df0c1d000)
>>>>>> libG4tracking.so =>
>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4tracking.so
>>>>>> (0x00007f2df09df000)
>>>>>> libG4parmodels.so =>
>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4parmodels.so
>>>>>> (0x00007f2df07cb000)
>>>>>> libG4processes.so =>
>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4processes.so
>>>>>> (0x00007f2def07d000)
>>>>>> libG4digits_hits.so =>
>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4digits_hits.so
>>>>>> (0x00007f2deeddd000)
>>>>>> libG4track.so =>
>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4track.so
>>>>>> (0x00007f2deebc2000)
>>>>>> libG4particles.so =>
>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4particles.so
>>>>>> (0x00007f2dee868000)
>>>>>> libG4geometry.so =>
>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4geometry.so
>>>>>> (0x00007f2dee3f6000)
>>>>>> libG4materials.so =>
>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4materials.so
>>>>>> (0x00007f2dee14f000)
>>>>>> libG4graphics_reps.so =>
>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4graphics_reps.so
>>>>>> (0x00007f2dedf11000)
>>>>>> libG4intercoms.so =>
>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4intercoms.so
>>>>>> (0x00007f2dedcc6000)
>>>>>> libG4global.so =>
>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4global.so
>>>>>> (0x00007f2deda7d000)
>>>>>> libG4clhep.so =>
>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4clhep.so
>>>>>> (0x00007f2ded7ee000)
>>>>>> libG4zlib.so =>
>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4zlib.so
>>>>>> (0x00007f2ded5d8000)
>>>>>> libG4geomUSolids.so =>
>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4geomUSolids.so
>>>>>> (0x00007f2ded332000)
>>>>>> libCore.so => /home/gate/gate_sources2/root/lib/libCore.so
>>>>>> (0x00007f2dec985000)
>>>>>> libCint.so => /home/gate/gate_sources2/root/lib/libCint.so
>>>>>> (0x00007f2dec003000)
>>>>>> libRIO.so => /home/gate/gate_sources2/root/lib/libRIO.so
>>>>>> (0x00007f2debaf8000)
>>>>>> libNet.so => /home/gate/gate_sources2/root/lib/libNet.so
>>>>>> (0x00007f2deb77e000)
>>>>>> libHist.so => /home/gate/gate_sources2/root/lib/libHist.so
>>>>>> (0x00007f2deb00c000)
>>>>>> libGraf.so => /home/gate/gate_sources2/root/lib/libGraf.so
>>>>>> (0x00007f2deac05000)
>>>>>> libGraf3d.so => /home/gate/gate_sources2/root/lib/libGraf3d.so
>>>>>> (0x00007f2dea8d9000)
>>>>>> libGpad.so => /home/gate/gate_sources2/root/lib/libGpad.so
>>>>>> (0x00007f2dea5d5000)
>>>>>> libTree.so => /home/gate/gate_sources2/root/lib/libTree.so
>>>>>> (0x00007f2dea18d000)
>>>>>> libRint.so => /home/gate/gate_sources2/root/lib/libRint.so
>>>>>> (0x00007f2de9f59000)
>>>>>> libPostscript.so => /home/gate/gate_sources2/root/lib/libPostscript.so
>>>>>> (0x00007f2de9cd9000)
>>>>>> libMatrix.so => /home/gate/gate_sources2/root/lib/libMatrix.so
>>>>>> (0x00007f2de9879000)
>>>>>> libPhysics.so => /home/gate/gate_sources2/root/lib/libPhysics.so
>>>>>> (0x00007f2de95db000)
>>>>>> libMathCore.so => /home/gate/gate_sources2/root/lib/libMathCore.so
>>>>>> (0x00007f2de9161000)
>>>>>> libThread.so => /home/gate/gate_sources2/root/lib/libThread.so
>>>>>> (0x00007f2de8f0d000)
>>>>>> libdl.so.2 => /lib64/libdl.so.2 (0x0000003af2400000)
>>>>>> libpthread.so.0 => /lib64/libpthread.so.0 (0x0000003af2800000)
>>>>>> libSM.so.6 => /usr/lib64/libSM.so.6 (0x0000003afe000000)
>>>>>> libICE.so.6 => /usr/lib64/libICE.so.6 (0x0000003afe400000)
>>>>>> libX11.so.6 => /usr/lib64/libX11.so.6 (0x0000003af5000000)
>>>>>> libXext.so.6 => /usr/lib64/libXext.so.6 (0x0000003af6000000)
>>>>>> libexpat.so.1 => /lib64/libexpat.so.1 (0x0000003af6c00000)
>>>>>> libstdc++.so.6 => /usr/lib64/libstdc++.so.6 (0x0000003afd400000)
>>>>>> libm.so.6 => /lib64/libm.so.6 (0x0000003af2000000)
>>>>>> libgcc_s.so.1 => /lib64/libgcc_s.so.1 (0x0000003af6400000)
>>>>>> libc.so.6 => /lib64/libc.so.6 (0x0000003af1c00000)
>>>>>> libz.so.1 => /lib64/libz.so.1 (0x0000003af2c00000)
>>>>>> libpcre.so.0 => /lib64/libpcre.so.0 (0x0000003af3800000)
>>>>>> /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 (0x0000003af1800000)
>>>>>> libcrypto.so.10 => /usr/lib64/libcrypto.so.10 (0x0000003afa800000)
>>>>>> libssl.so.10 => /usr/lib64/libssl.so.10 (0x0000003b00800000)
>>>>>> libfreetype.so.6 => /usr/lib64/libfreetype.so.6 (0x0000003af6800000)
>>>>>> libuuid.so.1 => /lib64/libuuid.so.1 (0x0000003af7400000)
>>>>>> libxcb.so.1 => /usr/lib64/libxcb.so.1 (0x0000003af5400000)
>>>>>> libgssapi_krb5.so.2 => /lib64/libgssapi_krb5.so.2 (0x0000003b00400000)
>>>>>> libkrb5.so.3 => /lib64/libkrb5.so.3 (0x0000003aff800000)
>>>>>> libcom_err.so.2 => /lib64/libcom_err.so.2 (0x0000003afd800000)
>>>>>> libk5crypto.so.3 => /lib64/libk5crypto.so.3 (0x0000003aff400000)
>>>>>> libXau.so.6 => /usr/lib64/libXau.so.6 (0x0000003af5800000)
>>>>>> libkrb5support.so.0 => /lib64/libkrb5support.so.0 (0x0000003affc00000)
>>>>>> libkeyutils.so.1 => /lib64/libkeyutils.so.1 (0x0000003aff000000)
>>>>>> libresolv.so.2 => /lib64/libresolv.so.2 (0x0000003af3c00000)
>>>>>> libselinux.so.1 => /lib64/libselinux.so.1 (0x0000003af3400000)
>>>>>> any ideas of what might be wrong? I will appreciate all the help I can
>>>>>> get.
>>>>>> //
>>>>>> Gustaf
>>>>>>> 1 mars 2016 kl. 18:59 skrev David Boersma
>>>>>>> <david.boersma at physics.uu.se <mailto:david.boersma at physics.uu.se>
>>>>>>> <mailto:david.boersma at physics.uu.se><mailto:david.boersma at physics.uu.se>>:
>>>>>>> Hej Gustaf,
>>>>>>> Now we are talking about two different situations: "the system" and
>>>>>>> "my private computer". Did you get the same linking errors on both of
>>>>>>> them?
>>>>>>> I guess that "the system" is your main priority. So then it would be
>>>>>>> more useful to look at the ldd output for your setup at that system.
>>>>>>> I'm looking forward to your investigation results tomorrow. :)
>>>>>>> /DavidB
>>>>>>> Den 01/03/2016 kl. 18:46, skrev Gustaf Lönn:
>>>>>>>> Hello!
>>>>>>>> I’m not sure about the exact release and I don’t have access to the
>>>>>>>> system at this very moment.
>>>>>>>> I belive there is a previous version of geant4 installed in another
>>>>>>>> directory, but I think it is geant4.9.6.
>>>>>>>> I did not use the make clean command during the previous
>>>>>>>> recompilation
>>>>>>>> but deleted the build directory etc. so I believe it was
>>>>>>>> completely from
>>>>>>>> scratch?
>>>>>>>> As I mentioned I don’t have access to the system at this moment
>>>>>>>> but I
>>>>>>>> was clever enough to export the ldd Gate output to my private
>>>>>>>> computer
>>>>>>>> so I’ll post it below. At first glance I don’t spot any odd
>>>>>>>> dependencies, all are linked to
>>>>>>>> gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64. I’ll investigate
>>>>>>>> further
>>>>>>>> tomorrow when I have access to the system.
>>>>>>>> //
>>>>>>>> Gustaf
>>>>>>>> ldd Gate output:
>>>>>>>> linux-vdso.so.1 => (0x00007fff1a7ff000)
>>>>>>>> libG4Tree.so =>
>>>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4Tree.so
>>>>>>>> (0x00007f4f64ff5000)
>>>>>>>> libG4FR.so =>
>>>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4FR.so
>>>>>>>> (0x00007f4f64de1000)
>>>>>>>> libG4GMocren.so =>
>>>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4GMocren.so
>>>>>>>> (0x00007f4f64ba0000)
>>>>>>>> libG4visHepRep.so =>
>>>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4visHepRep.so
>>>>>>>> (0x00007f4f64919000)
>>>>>>>> libG4RayTracer.so =>
>>>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4RayTracer.so
>>>>>>>> (0x00007f4f646ef000)
>>>>>>>> libG4VRML.so =>
>>>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4VRML.so
>>>>>>>> (0x00007f4f644d8000)
>>>>>>>> libG4vis_management.so =>
>>>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4vis_management.so
>>>>>>>> (0x00007f4f6420c000)
>>>>>>>> libG4modeling.so =>
>>>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4modeling.so
>>>>>>>> (0x00007f4f63f56000)
>>>>>>>> libG4interfaces.so =>
>>>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4interfaces.so
>>>>>>>> (0x00007f4f63d20000)
>>>>>>>> libG4persistency.so =>
>>>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4persistency.so
>>>>>>>> (0x00007f4f63a84000)
>>>>>>>> libG4analysis.so =>
>>>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4analysis.so
>>>>>>>> (0x00007f4f63622000)
>>>>>>>> libG4error_propagation.so =>
>>>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4error_propagation.so
>>>>>>>> (0x00007f4f633e7000)
>>>>>>>> libG4readout.so =>
>>>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4readout.so
>>>>>>>> (0x00007f4f631df000)
>>>>>>>> libG4physicslists.so =>
>>>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4physicslists.so
>>>>>>>> (0x00007f4f62ec5000)
>>>>>>>> libG4run.so =>
>>>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4run.so
>>>>>>>> (0x00007f4f62c5a000)
>>>>>>>> libG4event.so =>
>>>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4event.so
>>>>>>>> (0x00007f4f629eb000)
>>>>>>>> libG4tracking.so =>
>>>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4tracking.so
>>>>>>>> (0x00007f4f627ad000)
>>>>>>>> libG4parmodels.so =>
>>>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4parmodels.so
>>>>>>>> (0x00007f4f62599000)
>>>>>>>> libG4processes.so =>
>>>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4processes.so
>>>>>>>> (0x00007f4f60e4b000)
>>>>>>>> libG4digits_hits.so =>
>>>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4digits_hits.so
>>>>>>>> (0x00007f4f60bab000)
>>>>>>>> libG4track.so =>
>>>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4track.so
>>>>>>>> (0x00007f4f60990000)
>>>>>>>> libG4particles.so =>
>>>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4particles.so
>>>>>>>> (0x00007f4f60636000)
>>>>>>>> libG4geometry.so =>
>>>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4geometry.so
>>>>>>>> (0x00007f4f601c4000)
>>>>>>>> libG4materials.so =>
>>>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4materials.so
>>>>>>>> (0x00007f4f5ff1d000)
>>>>>>>> libG4graphics_reps.so =>
>>>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4graphics_reps.so
>>>>>>>> (0x00007f4f5fcdf000)
>>>>>>>> libG4intercoms.so =>
>>>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4intercoms.so
>>>>>>>> (0x00007f4f5fa94000)
>>>>>>>> libG4global.so =>
>>>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4global.so
>>>>>>>> (0x00007f4f5f84b000)
>>>>>>>> libG4clhep.so =>
>>>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4clhep.so
>>>>>>>> (0x00007f4f5f5bc000)
>>>>>>>> libG4zlib.so =>
>>>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4zlib.so
>>>>>>>> (0x00007f4f5f3a6000)
>>>>>>>> libG4geomUSolids.so =>
>>>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64/libG4geomUSolids.so
>>>>>>>> (0x00007f4f5f100000)
>>>>>>>> libCore.so => /home/gate/gate_sources2/root/lib/libCore.so
>>>>>>>> (0x00007f4f5e753000)
>>>>>>>> libCint.so => /home/gate/gate_sources2/root/lib/libCint.so
>>>>>>>> (0x00007f4f5ddd1000)
>>>>>>>> libRIO.so => /home/gate/gate_sources2/root/lib/libRIO.so
>>>>>>>> (0x00007f4f5d8c6000)
>>>>>>>> libNet.so => /home/gate/gate_sources2/root/lib/libNet.so
>>>>>>>> (0x00007f4f5d54c000)
>>>>>>>> libHist.so => /home/gate/gate_sources2/root/lib/libHist.so
>>>>>>>> (0x00007f4f5cdda000)
>>>>>>>> libGraf.so => /home/gate/gate_sources2/root/lib/libGraf.so
>>>>>>>> (0x00007f4f5c9d3000)
>>>>>>>> libGraf3d.so => /home/gate/gate_sources2/root/lib/libGraf3d.so
>>>>>>>> (0x00007f4f5c6a7000)
>>>>>>>> libGpad.so => /home/gate/gate_sources2/root/lib/libGpad.so
>>>>>>>> (0x00007f4f5c3a3000)
>>>>>>>> libTree.so => /home/gate/gate_sources2/root/lib/libTree.so
>>>>>>>> (0x00007f4f5bf5b000)
>>>>>>>> libRint.so => /home/gate/gate_sources2/root/lib/libRint.so
>>>>>>>> (0x00007f4f5bd27000)
>>>>>>>> libPostscript.so =>
>>>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/root/lib/libPostscript.so
>>>>>>>> (0x00007f4f5baa7000)
>>>>>>>> libMatrix.so => /home/gate/gate_sources2/root/lib/libMatrix.so
>>>>>>>> (0x00007f4f5b647000)
>>>>>>>> libPhysics.so => /home/gate/gate_sources2/root/lib/libPhysics.so
>>>>>>>> (0x00007f4f5b3a9000)
>>>>>>>> libMathCore.so => /home/gate/gate_sources2/root/lib/libMathCore.so
>>>>>>>> (0x00007f4f5af2f000)
>>>>>>>> libThread.so => /home/gate/gate_sources2/root/lib/libThread.so
>>>>>>>> (0x00007f4f5acdb000)
>>>>>>>> libdl.so.2 => /lib64/libdl.so.2 (0x0000003af2400000)
>>>>>>>> libpthread.so.0 => /lib64/libpthread.so.0 (0x0000003af2800000)
>>>>>>>> libSM.so.6 => /usr/lib64/libSM.so.6 (0x0000003afe000000)
>>>>>>>> libICE.so.6 => /usr/lib64/libICE.so.6 (0x0000003afe400000)
>>>>>>>> libX11.so.6 => /usr/lib64/libX11.so.6 (0x0000003af5000000)
>>>>>>>> libXext.so.6 => /usr/lib64/libXext.so.6 (0x0000003af6000000)
>>>>>>>> libexpat.so.1 => /lib64/libexpat.so.1 (0x0000003af6c00000)
>>>>>>>> libstdc++.so.6 => /usr/lib64/libstdc++.so.6 (0x0000003afd400000)
>>>>>>>> libm.so.6 => /lib64/libm.so.6 (0x0000003af2000000)
>>>>>>>> libgcc_s.so.1 => /lib64/libgcc_s.so.1 (0x0000003af6400000)
>>>>>>>> libc.so.6 => /lib64/libc.so.6 (0x0000003af1c00000)
>>>>>>>> libz.so.1 => /lib64/libz.so.1 (0x0000003af2c00000)
>>>>>>>> libpcre.so.0 => /lib64/libpcre.so.0 (0x0000003af3800000)
>>>>>>>> /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 (0x0000003af1800000)
>>>>>>>> libcrypto.so.10 => /usr/lib64/libcrypto.so.10 (0x0000003afa800000)
>>>>>>>> libssl.so.10 => /usr/lib64/libssl.so.10 (0x0000003b00800000)
>>>>>>>> libfreetype.so.6 => /usr/lib64/libfreetype.so.6 (0x0000003af6800000)
>>>>>>>> libuuid.so.1 => /lib64/libuuid.so.1 (0x0000003af7400000)
>>>>>>>> libxcb.so.1 => /usr/lib64/libxcb.so.1 (0x0000003af5400000)
>>>>>>>> libgssapi_krb5.so.2 => /lib64/libgssapi_krb5.so.2
>>>>>>>> (0x0000003b00400000)
>>>>>>>> libkrb5.so.3 => /lib64/libkrb5.so.3 (0x0000003aff800000)
>>>>>>>> libcom_err.so.2 => /lib64/libcom_err.so.2 (0x0000003afd800000)
>>>>>>>> libk5crypto.so.3 => /lib64/libk5crypto.so.3 (0x0000003aff400000)
>>>>>>>> libXau.so.6 => /usr/lib64/libXau.so.6 (0x0000003af5800000)
>>>>>>>> libkrb5support.so.0 => /lib64/libkrb5support.so.0
>>>>>>>> (0x0000003affc00000)
>>>>>>>> libkeyutils.so.1 => /lib64/libkeyutils.so.1 (0x0000003aff000000)
>>>>>>>> libresolv.so.2 => /lib64/libresolv.so.2 (0x0000003af3c00000)
>>>>>>>> libselinux.so.1 => /lib64/libselinux.so.1 (0x0000003af3400000)
>>>>>>>>> 1 mars 2016 kl. 18:03 skrev David Boersma
>>>>>>>>> <david.boersma at physics.uu.se <mailto:david.boersma at physics.uu.se>
>>>>>>>>> <mailto:david.boersma at physics.uu.se><mailto:david.boersma at physics.uu.se>
>>>>>>>>> <mailto:david.boersma at physics.uu.se>>:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Gustaf,
>>>>>>>>> Which Ubuntu release are you using?
>>>>>>>>> I tried to reproduce your error on a Ubuntu 14.04 machine, also
>>>>>>>>> 64bit.
>>>>>>>>> Since you mentioned that you are using geant4 10.01.p03, which is
>>>>>>>>> relatively new (released Feb 5), I wondered if that is maybe the
>>>>>>>>> culprit. But it does not look like it, because I can build and run
>>>>>>>>> Gate v7.1 just fine with that release. So my bet is that the errors
>>>>>>>>> that you report are not due to Gate or Geant4 code.
>>>>>>>>> (I even tried building geant4 with multithreading enabled --
>>>>>>>>> which one
>>>>>>>>> should NOT do for any production purposes because Gate is not yet
>>>>>>>>> ready for multithreading -- but even with MT-geant4 Gate can be
>>>>>>>>> built
>>>>>>>>> and it runs without linking errors, even though the results with MT
>>>>>>>>> are not to be trusted.)
>>>>>>>>> So...
>>>>>>>>> (1) Could you just quote the full output of ldd completely here
>>>>>>>>> in an
>>>>>>>>> e-mail (if the discussion below does not help you to solve it
>>>>>>>>> yourself)?
>>>>>>>>> The idea is that ldd tells you to which libraries an executable
>>>>>>>>> really
>>>>>>>>> gets linked. The results are sometimes surprising and
>>>>>>>>> instructive. For
>>>>>>>>> instance you mention that you used a bash script to set your
>>>>>>>>> environment correctly for building Gate, but maybe you still have
>>>>>>>>> similar settings for a different Geant4 version in your ~/.bash*
>>>>>>>>> files, which might create all kinds of havoc. The ldd utility can
>>>>>>>>> help
>>>>>>>>> to identify such issues.
>>>>>>>>> (2) The G4GammaParticipants size error makes me suspect that you
>>>>>>>>> maybe
>>>>>>>>> did not truly recompile from scratch (because its base class
>>>>>>>>> G4QGSParticipants depends on Random.hh, which has CLHEP-dependent
>>>>>>>>> code, so that class may indeed change size during a rebuild).
>>>>>>>>> Running
>>>>>>>>> 'make clean' is not enough. "From scratch" means: start with a new,
>>>>>>>>> empty build directory, and run ccmake <sourcedir> in it. Why is
>>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>>> necessary? Well, cmake and make are very clever at keeping track of
>>>>>>>>> dependencies, but that is a very hard task and they are not
>>>>>>>>> perfect.
>>>>>>>>> (3) I am very mystified by this _ZN12G4AllocStats6numCatE
>>>>>>>>> error. With
>>>>>>>>> the c++filt utility you can see that this is indeed pointing to the
>>>>>>>>> numCat data member of G4AllocStats, which gets *declared* in the
>>>>>>>>> Geant4 source tree in this header file:
>>>>>>>>> ./source/geometry/volumes/include/G4EnhancedVecAllocator.hh
>>>>>>>>> ... but the funny thing is that this header file does not get
>>>>>>>>> included
>>>>>>>>> by *any* other source file, neither in the geant4 10.01.p03 sources
>>>>>>>>> nor in Gate 7.1 [1]! The only way I can think of this error to
>>>>>>>>> pop up
>>>>>>>>> is by confusion with a different geant4 version. Do you have other
>>>>>>>>> geant4 versions installed on your system?
>>>>>>>>> Hope that helps,
>>>>>>>>> David B.
>>>>>>>>> [1] It is mentioned in the sources.cmake file as a header file, of
>>>>>>>>> course. But that does not cause it to actually be #included
>>>>>>>>> anywhere.
>>>>>>>>> The 4.9.6 release notes mention that the use of
>>>>>>>>> G4EnhancedVecAllocator
>>>>>>>>> is disabled in some navigation class, and probably that was the
>>>>>>>>> only
>>>>>>>>> usage. Which suggests that the impostor Geant4 library on your
>>>>>>>>> system
>>>>>>>>> is older than 4.9.6. :)
>>>>>>>>> Den 01/03/2016 kl. 13:22, skrev Gustaf Lönn:
>>>>>>>>>> Hello!
>>>>>>>>>> First of all I want to express my gratitude for all the valuable
>>>>>>>>>> help so
>>>>>>>>>> far.
>>>>>>>>>> I did a full recompile from scratch linked Gate to the correct
>>>>>>>>>> G4. I
>>>>>>>>>> still receive the symbol errors previously posted.
>>>>>>>>>> I’m not sure on how I should interpret the results from the ldd
>>>>>>>>>> command.
>>>>>>>>>> //
>>>>>>>>>> Gustaf
>>>>>>>>>>> 1 mars 2016 kl. 11:50 skrev David Sarrut
>>>>>>>>>>> <David.Sarrut at creatis.insa-lyon.fr
>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:David.Sarrut at creatis.insa-lyon.fr>
>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:David.Sarrut at creatis.insa-lyon.fr>
>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:David.Sarrut at creatis.insa-lyon.fr>
>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:David.Sarrut at creatis.insa-lyon.fr>
>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:David.Sarrut at creatis.insa-lyon.fr>>:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>>>>> maybe still a linking error. Be sure to recompile everything from
>>>>>>>>>>> scratch and be sure Gate is linked with the correct G4 only ...
>>>>>>>>>>> Check with ldd to List Dynamic Dependencies of an executable, it
>>>>>>>>>>> could
>>>>>>>>>>> help
>>>>>>>>>>> David
>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Mar 1, 2016 at 11:29 AM, Gustaf Lönn <gustaflo at kth.se
>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:gustaflo at kth.se>
>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:gustaflo at kth.se>
>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:gustaflo at kth.se>
>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:gustaflo at kth.se>
>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:gustaflo at kth.se>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hello!
>>>>>>>>>>> I tried to recompile both G4 and Gate without the external clhep.
>>>>>>>>>>> That took care of the initial library error. However, I received
>>>>>>>>>>> the following error when trying to run Gate:
>>>>>>>>>>> Symbol `_ZTV19G4GammaParticipants' has different size in shared
>>>>>>>>>>> object, consider re-linking
>>>>>>>>>>> Gate: symbol lookup error: Gate: undefined symbol:
>>>>>>>>>>> _ZN12G4AllocStats6numCatE
>>>>>>>>>>> I think ”GammaParticipants" originate from G4GammaParicipants.hh
>>>>>>>>>>> and ”AllocStats" from G4EnhancedVectorAllocator.hh
>>>>>>>>>>> In my bash script I removed the path and library path associated
>>>>>>>>>>> with system clhep, otherwise it is unchanged.
>>>>>>>>>>> any ideas?
>>>>>>>>>>> //Gustaf
>>>>>>>>>>>> 1 mars 2016 kl. 08:01 skrev David Sarrut
>>>>>>>>>>>> <David.Sarrut at creatis.insa-lyon.fr
>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:David.Sarrut at creatis.insa-lyon.fr>
>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:David.Sarrut at creatis.insa-lyon.fr>
>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:David.Sarrut at creatis.insa-lyon.fr>
>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:David.Sarrut at creatis.insa-lyon.fr>
>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:David.Sarrut at creatis.insa-lyon.fr>>:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>>>>>> it should be a path issue. The simplest way is to use the G4
>>>>>>>>>>>> embedded clhep and to not use external clhep. Once G4 is
>>>>>>>>>>>> compiled, recompile Gate, without external clhep also.
>>>>>>>>>>>> hope it helps,
>>>>>>>>>>>> David
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 29, 2016 at 6:52 PM, Gustaf Lönn
>>>>>>>>>>>> <gustaflo at kth.se <mailto:gustaflo at kth.se>
>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:gustaflo at kth.se>
>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:gustaflo at kth.se>
>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:gustaflo at kth.se>
>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:gustaflo at kth.se>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello!
>>>>>>>>>>>> I have encountered a problem with the CLHEP libraries when
>>>>>>>>>>>> I’m trying to run Gate. Instead of searching for the
>>>>>>>>>>>> external
>>>>>>>>>>>> CLHEP library the program wants to use the
>>>>>>>>>>>> libG4chlep
>>>>>>>>>>>> and therefore terminates. I use x86 Ubuntu 64bit.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I have followed the installation/compilation
>>>>>>>>>>>> instructions and
>>>>>>>>>>>> set the external CLHEP options to ”on” and set the following
>>>>>>>>>>>> paths:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Geant4
>>>>>>>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/
>>>>>>>>>>>> CLHEP_INCLUDE_DIR:
>>>>>>>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/
>>>>>>>>>>>> CLHEP_LIBRARY:
>>>>>>>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/
>>>>>>>>>>>> Gate
>>>>>>>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/
>>>>>>>>>>>> CLHEP_INCLUDE_DIR:
>>>>>>>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/
>>>>>>>>>>>> In my bash script I have the following:
>>>>>>>>>>>> export
>>>>>>>>>>>> PATH=$PATH:/home/gate/gate_sources2/
>>>>>>>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/
>>>>>>>>>>>> export
>>>>>>>>>>>> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/gate/gate_sources2/
>>>>>>>>>>>> source /home/gate/gate_sources2/root/bin/thisroot.sh
>>>>>>>>>>>> source
>>>>>>>>>>>> /home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/bin/geant4.sh
>>>>>>>>>>>> PATH=$PATH:/home/gate/gate_sources2/gate_v7.1-install/bin
>>>>>>>>>>>> export
>>>>>>>>>>>> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/gate/gate_sources2/geant4.10.01.p03-install/lib64
>>>>>>>>>>>> Does anyone have any idea about what might be wrong? I’m
>>>>>>>>>>>> grateful for any suggestions!
>>>>>>>>>>>> Best Regards
>>>>>>>>>>>> Gustaf L
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>>>>>>>>>>>> David Sarrut, Phd
>>>>>>>>>>>> Directeur de recherche CNRS
>>>>>>>>>>>> CREATIS, UMR CNRS 5220, Inserm U1206
>>>>>>>>>>>> Centre de lutte contre le cancer Léon Bérard
>>>>>>>>>>>> 28 rue Laënnec, 69373 Lyon cedex 08
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>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/%7Edsarrut>
>>>>>>>>>>>> _________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>> "2 + 2 = 5, for extremely large values of 2"
>>>>>>>>>>>> _________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>> David Sarrut, Phd
>>>>>>>>>>> Directeur de recherche CNRS
>>>>>>>>>>> CREATIS, UMR CNRS 5220, Inserm U1206
>>>>>>>>>>> Centre de lutte contre le cancer Léon Bérard
>>>>>>>>>>> 28 rue Laënnec, 69373 Lyon cedex 08
>>>>>>>>>>> Tel : 04 78 78 51 51 / 06 74 72 05 42
>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/~dsarrut
>>>>>>>>>>> <http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/%7Edsarrut>
>>>>>>>>>>> _________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>> "2 + 2 = 5, for extremely large values of 2"
>>>>>>>>>>> _________________________________
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