[Gate-users] Voxel phantom creator and GateRegularParameterized error

Zakarumit.Z at seznam.cz Zakarumit.Z at seznam.cz
Tue Jun 28 18:14:36 CEST 2016


I have got a difficulty to run my PET macro on GPU. I have run it 
succesfully with the InterfileReader command and regularMatrix creator 
previously with this definition:
/gate/world/daughters/name pacient
/gate/world/daughters/insert regularMatrix
/gate/pacient/geometry/insertReader interfile
/gate/pacient/interfileReader/insertTranslator range
/gate/pacient/interfileReader/rangeTranslator/readTable ATTMAP.dat
/gate/pacient/interfileReader/readFile phantom.hdr
 Now I import the voxelized phantom as follows:
/gate/world/daughters/name pacient
/gate/world/daughters/insert ImageRegularParametrisedVolume
/gate/pacient/geometry/setImage phantom_data/CT256.h33
/gate/pacient/geometry/setRangeToMaterialFile ATTMAP.dat
...but receive 
### === G4UAtomicDeexcitation::InitialiseForNewRun()
GateGPUEmisTomo.cc (l.359): pacient is not a GateRegularParameterized.
GateGPUEmisTomoMessenger Update
and simulation crashes. I have tried also ImageNestedParametrisedVolume and 
ImageRegionalizedVolume but the result is still the same. On CPU it works 
like a charm.

1.) Can anyone tell me what am I doing wrong and how to fix it? 

2.) When I use ImageRegularParametrisedVolume, I always get this warning:
### WARNING ### setSkipEqualMaterials at false !! The Geant4 method is not 
safe since the release 9.5 - Need to be fixed
...what does it mean? Is it actually safe to use this volume creator? Does 
the command
/gate/pacient/setSkipEqualMaterials 0/1
actually do something?

Thank you very much in advance for answer.
Best regards,

Jiri Ters

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