[Gate-users] How to introduce the XCAT 4D phantom?

julien.jurczak at u-psud.fr julien.jurczak at u-psud.fr
Wed Jun 22 10:27:43 CEST 2016

Hi everybody, 

I'm looking for introducing the XCAT4D phantom with 16 frames into my simulation and I have a few (basic) questions the mailing list couldn't answer. 

In output of the XCAT phantom, I have the emission map caracterized by _act_(1->16).bin and the attenuation map : _atn(1->16).bin. Then, I know that I have to convert the 32 bits float data into 16 bits unsigned integer, it's done for the 32 files. 

In the examples I could see I referred to gate/examples/example_TimeActivityCurve, which is a 4D simulation as I want, and when I looked at the header, it only calls the _atn_1 file. 

1. My first question is so what about the _act.bin files, is it unuseful? Do I have tu use only _act or _atn and not both? 

2. How to simulate a gated acquisition as I have in output in my case 16_atn.bin and 16 _act.bin, taking into account all the frames and _atn and _act? 

In the wiki, here is what we found: 

    * Generate N frames for the phantom corresponding to the time acquisition desired for example 50 frames for 5s so each frame is for .1 s ; 
    * I assume the 50 frames are NCAT_frame_.i33, NCAT_frame_2.i33, NCAT_frame_3.i33, NCAT_frame_4.i33 $...$ NCAT_frame_N.i33. 

But it doesn't distinguish _the _atn files and _the act files. 
And the part of the macro when it is called: 
/gate/RTVPhantom/setHeaderFileName NCAT_header.h33
/gate/RTVPhantom/SetNumberOfFrames 50
/gate/RTVPhantom/SetTimePerFrame 0.1 s 
Do I only have to call the _atn_1 or the _act_1 and with this command, Gate will read all the other frames? 

I hope to be clear, and I would be really grateful for helping me, it's been a long time I'm trying but I don't find. 


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