[Gate-users] information PET_Analyse

Pietrzyk, Uwe u.pietrzyk at fz-juelich.de
Tue Jun 14 18:24:03 CEST 2016

Dear Debora Lamia,

I understood, that you are referring to the PET_Analyse.C in directory
example_ROOT_analyse!? The commented lines for Singles Hits Gate are
only useful, when using this module for analysing a Gate run, where you
have filled in these branches.

Hence, if you did NOT add lines like

/gate/digitizer/Singles/insert adder
/gate/digitizer/Singles/insert readout
/gate/digitizer/Singles/readout/setDepth 1

then you cannot expect to find singles in a singles branch of the ROOT-file.

Also you need lines like

# O U T P U T

/gate/output/root/setFileName benchmarkPET
/gate/output/root/setRootHitFlag 0
/gate/output/root/setRootSinglesFlag 1
/gate/output/root/setRootCoincidencesFlag 1
/gate/output/root/setRootdelayFlag 1

to direct GATE to write the respective information into the ROOT-file

It may be helpful for you to also look into the benchmarks to get
an idea how the instructions to GATE match the analysis with
the root-macro.

Concerning the randoms you have to increase the activity considerably,
but in order to avoid long simulation times you may at the same time reduce the
total simulation duration like:

# S T A R T
/gate/application/setTimeSlice     0.1 s

#or even a lower value depending on the activity, like
/gate/application/setTimeSlice     0.01 s

/gate/application/setTimeStart     0. s
/gate/application/setTimeStop      1. s


in order to see the progress of the simulation!

Hope this helps!

Kind regards,

Uwe Pietrzyk

Prof. Dr. Uwe Pietrzyk
Institut für Neurowissenschaften und Medizin / INM-4
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
52425 Jülich
Tel: +49-2461-61 4763
Fax: +49-2461-61 2820
Mobil: +49-162-103-4871
eMail: U.Pietrzyk at fz-juelich.de<mailto:U.Pietrzyk at fz-juelich.de>
Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Fakultät für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften
Büro:  D.08.01
Gaußstr. 20
42097 Wuppertal
Tel: +49-(0)202-439-3523
Fax: +49-(0)202-439-2811
eMail: Uwe.Pietrzyk at uni-wuppertal.de<mailto:Uwe.Pietrzyk at physik.uni-wuppertal.de>

On 13 Jun 2016, at 12:41, Debora Lamia <debora.lamia at ibfm.cnr.it<mailto:debora.lamia at ibfm.cnr.it>> wrote:

Dear Prof. Pietrzyk,

I am an Italian research fellow at the institute of molecular bioimaging and physiology (IBFM) of the National Research Council.
I am a physicist and I'm dealing with medical physics research, in particular dosimetry and Geant4 Monte Carlo simulations for radiotherapy applications.
Lately I've started to use GATE to simulate the PET system.
I would extract the NEC curves, so I would obtain the trues, scattered and random events from the simulations.
Please, I would ask you some information about the PET simulation analysis.
I used your file PET_Analyse.C to analyze my root file obtained carrying out example_PET GATE simulations.
I set activity until 3 kBq. I obtained prompt and trues counts, but the random counts are results zero. I detected only one random count with activity 3 kBq.
I know that the random counts increase with the square of the activity.
My question is about the analysis of the Singles, Hits and Gate (24, 25 and 26 lines of the PET_Analyse.C).
In your file these lines were commented, but if I want detect the random counts, do I also have to analyze singles events?

Do I have to write a similar analysis file, adding the variables of the singles, hits and gate?

Thank you very much for your help

Best regards,

Debora Lamia

Debora Lamia
Research Fellow @ IBFM - CNR UOS Cefalù
c/da Pietrapollastra Pisciotto, 90015 Cefalù (PA)
tel. +39 0921 920707

Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH
52425 Juelich
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Juelich
Eingetragen im Handelsregister des Amtsgerichts Dueren Nr. HR B 3498
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: MinDir Dr. Karl Eugen Huthmacher
Geschaeftsfuehrung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Marquardt (Vorsitzender),
Karsten Beneke (stellv. Vorsitzender), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Bolt,
Prof. Dr. Sebastian M. Schmidt

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