[Gate-users] Modification of GATE output

Brent Huisman brent.huisman at insa-lyon.fr
Sat Jun 4 15:47:43 CEST 2016

So the general setup of a Gate simulation (which is unfortunately not that
clear on the website or wiki) is that you define geometry, source(s) and
then actors (which is simply what scorers are called in Gate), which save
output. I was not even aware that you could do what you do.

Of course, it is often that you want to score specific particles. You can
use existing actors and apply filters to store only the particles you need.
The filter might restrict the particles to a certain species (e.g. only
photons) or on production processes. I do not know if there's a filter that
restricts the particles to only those that underwent Compton scattering
(check the wiki to see what's available, or look in the example
directories, maybe someone does the same). If you find nothing that helps
you, you can write your own filter, or modify/copy an existing actor.

Hope that helps,

2016-06-02 15:42 GMT+02:00 Pawe Kowalski <pawkowalski at yahoo.com>:

> Hi Brent,
> Thank you again for your answers.
> I generate my output just using commands:
> /gate/output/root/enable
> /gate/output/root/setFileName             output/output
> /gate/output/root/setRootHitFlag          1
> After simulation I analyze root files using c++ code.
> If I don't specify any actor, is there a default one? Above default root
> output is also generated using actor?
> I've tried PhaseSpaceActor. As far as I understand this actor saves
> information about all particles in a given volume. But is this possible to
> save, using this (or other) actor, only particles which interacted with
> matter with for example Compton scattering? I would like to save only some
> specific hits.
> Best regards,
> Paweł
> 11:14 wtorek, 2016-5-31, Brent Huisman <brent.huisman at insa-lyon.fr>
> napisał(a):
> If you do not use actors, then how exactly is that Root file generated?
> You just add code to Gate somewhere?
> The idea of the PhaseSpace is to take a snapshot of your simulation and
> then resume at some later time. This requires you to record all their
> relevant properties, which is why many (at least me) use it to get info on
> particles. See the code of the actor or the option-descriptions for what it
> stores, and if you need more, you can just adapt the output (look how for
> instance the energy is stored for an idea of where you might start for your
> quantity).
> Brent
> 2016-05-30 21:30 GMT+02:00 Pawe Kowalski <pawkowalski at yahoo.com>:
> Hi Brent,
> Thank you very much for your answer.
> In fact, I am not using any actors in my analysis. I save all hits to ROOT
> file and after that I make offline analysis using code developed in c++.
> As far as I understand, actors may be used to store some additional
> information but it is something 'parallel' to output enabled using
> command /gate/output/root/enable. So in fact when I use actor I have two
> outputs. Am I right?
> In the wiki, I have found this website:
> http://wiki.opengatecollaboration.org/index.php/Users_Guide_V7.2:Phase_space_concept
> Does it contain full list of information that may be stored?
> I would also like to save in my output file information about energy
> deposited and time of interaction. Is this possible using this actor?
> How does the 'EnableCompact' option work? I haven't found any information
> about it in the documentation.
> Thank you once again.
> Best regards,
> Paweł Kowalski
> 15:29 niedziela, 2016-5-29, Brent Huisman <brent.huisman at insa-lyon.fr>
> napisał(a):
> Hello Pawel,
> Which actor are you using? Assuming it's the PhaseSpaceActor, there is an
> option called EnableCompact that reduces the number of saved fields. It
> reduces to the ones I care about, so it may not be what you need. I suppose
> per-field switches could be better. Storage space taken up is quite little
> though, so the easiest solution is to simply ignore the fields you don't
> use. Alternatively, you can adapt the actor to suit your needs. Perhaps
> using filters will help you with some of the things you need, but for
> coincidence selection you either record time and do some post-processing or
> dig down into the actor that you use to record.
> Cheers,
> Brent
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Date: Fri, 27 May 2016 12:04:51 +0000 (UTC)
> From: Pawe  Kowalski <pawkowalski at yahoo.com>
> To: GATE-mailingList <gate-users at lists.opengatecollaboration.org>,
>         "gate-devel at lists.opengatecollaboration.org"
>         <gate-devel at lists.opengatecollaboration.org>
> Subject: [Gate-users] Modification of GATE output
> Message-ID:
>         <828474961.263737.1464350691463.JavaMail.yahoo at mail.yahoo.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Hi,
> I have few questions about modifying Root output from GATE simulations.
> 1. Is this possible to disable some branches in root file? For example I
> don't need branches called baseID or levelXID. What part of the code should
> I modify to disable them??
> 2. On the other side, I would like to save to file information about
> components of four-momentum of gamma quanta in the moment of interaction
> with matter (for example Compton scattering). Is this possible??
> 3. Is this possible to simulate and save optical photons only when there
> was a coincidence?
> Best regards,Pawe? Kowalski
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