[Gate-users] Gate: Delays and Coincidences disparity

as01326 at surrey.ac.uk as01326 at surrey.ac.uk
Thu Jul 28 14:57:43 CEST 2016

Dear Gate users,

I have recently been working on a simulation of a PET scan. And I am using both the Coincidences and a Delayed Coincidences setting.

When analysing the results I find that the amount of randoms inside the Delays branch is significantly bigger (~60%) than the amount of randoms in the Coincidences branch. Additionally the spectral distribution has more counts in the low energy regions.

I would expect them to have a similar amount of counts and spectral distribution since I am working with low activities.

I am using the default setting for multiple coincidences (keepIfAllAreGoods) but I do not know whether this is enough to justify those results.

Is this normal? Has anyone come across anything similar?

Best regards,

Alberto Sanchez-Pastor
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