[Gate-users] Integration problem CT in GATE

Sara Beilla beilla.sara1 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 13 23:46:40 CEST 2016

Dear Gaters,

I would like to share a problem that i met and solve about the use of CT in
Dicom format can’t still be integer in Gate, i converted my dicom CT to
format Analyse (.hdr/.img) using the software dicom2nii (imagej causing a
change in HU, it can’t be used). Gate runs without problem, it generates
both HUMaterials.db and HU2mat.txt files. While densities seem taken into
account well, absorbed dose ditribution seems to be in a water volume
without (or too few) consideration of anatomical densities of patients
(lung CT).

I solved my problem by converting my dicom data to metaImage format
(.mhd/.raw) with the software VV of David Sarrut and Seroul Pierre (

Hopefully that can help.

Best Regards,

Sara Beilla


*Beilla Sara*
Doctorante en Charge d'Enseignement

INSERM Unité 1037
Equipe 15: Multi-resolution dosimetry for radiotherapy optimization
Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie de Toulouse, Equipe 15
133, route de Narbonne. Bâtiment A3, Biophysique.
31062 Toulouse Cedex. France

Toulouse NeuroImaging Center
CHU PURPAN - Pavillon Baudot
Place du Dr Baylac
31024 TOULOUSE - Cedex 3

E-mail: sara.beilla at inserm.fr
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