[Gate-users] Problem with 'std::bad_alloc'

Michal Knap knap.michal at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 12 17:35:56 CET 2016

Hi David,I checked you idea but i use only 50-60% RAM memory.While i'm running simulation i do not use any other apps. Even browser is closed. 
I have intel i5 vPRO, 8GB RAM, 120 GB SSDUbuntu 14.04 LTS, Geant4.9.6.p04,Gate7.0,Root 5.34.34
Kind regards 

    17:01 wtorek, 2016-1-12, David Boersma <david.boersma at physics.uu.se> napisał(a):


Hi Michał,

My first guess would be a memory problem. Could you check with some 
resource monitor ("top" or "htop" on linux, "Activity Monitory" on 
MacOSX) how much RAM is used on your machine, by which programs?

It could be that other programs than GATE (e.g. a web browser) are using 
so much RAM that there is not enough available for your GATE 
application. Then this is easily solved by quitting those other programs.

It could be that you configured GATE too optimistically, e.g. using a 
scoring volume with too many voxels. Then you should either use a more 
modest configuration, or run on a bigger machine.

There are many other possible causes, but these are the easiest ones, I 
can think of. It would be good if you could tell us whether these are 
already ruled out.

Also: when reporting problems and asking for help, it could be helpful 
if you would add some basic specs about the OS (+version) and the 
hardware (in particular how much RAM your have). Which version of GATE 
are you using, with which version of Geant4? How did you install it? Did 
you install it recently or long ago?


Den 12/01/2016 kl. 15:55, skrev Michal Knap:
> Hi All,
> As i'm trying to simulate a minigammacamera i'm getting this error message.
> I still do not know how to fix this.
> Can anybody know what is wrong?
> //
> /[Acquisition-0] Slice 0 from 0 to 37.5 s [slice=37.5 s], final stop at
> 150 s./
> /terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'/
> /  what():  std::bad_alloc/
> /Przerwane (core dumped)/
> /
> /
> I'll be very thankful for any help.
> Thanks in advance
> Kind regards
> Michał Knap
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