[Gate-users] GPU accelation problem

Camille Metz cmetz at eos-imaging.com
Fri Jan 8 09:21:23 CET 2016

Hi Hoyeon,

I had the same problem and fixed it by adding '-gencode arch=compute_XX, code=sm_XX;' on l.192 of CMakeLists.txt after CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS (and recompiled afterwards), where XX is the compute capability of your GPU card. Mine was not already taken into account (there is only 20 and 30). I don't know if this will solve your problem, but if your compute capability is different from 20 and 30, that may be worth a try!

Good luck with it,


De : gate-users-bounces at lists.opengatecollaboration.org <gate-users-bounces at lists.opengatecollaboration.org> de la part de 이호연 <leehoy at kaist.ac.kr>
Envoye : vendredi 8 janvier 2016 07:37
A : gate-users at lists.opengatecollaboration.org
Objet : [Gate-users] GPU accelation problem


I tried to accelate the computed tomography imaging in GATE.

But the output of the main-gpu.mac in example_GPU directory gives blank output after the phantom with GpuTransTomo actor.

I think some others have similar problem, but no one answered the questions.

Is there any one successfully obtained result image with the example code?
Or do I need to modify some part of the code to get right result?

Thanks in advance



Hoyeon Lee, Master candidate

Medical imaging and Radiotherapeutics Lab.

Dept. Nuclear and Quantum Engineering, KAIST

leehoy at kaist.ac.kr


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