[Gate-users] adding not-standard physic process to GATE

Wojciech Krzemien wojciech.krzemien at ncbj.gov.pl
Fri Apr 29 14:05:36 CEST 2016

Dear GATE Developers,
I am a member of the J-Pet collaboration in Poland and we are
constructing a prototype TOF-PET scanner. The GATE package has been very
useful for us in several stages of the project.

We would like to make some studies of some non-standard physics reaction
e.g. 3-gamma decay.
Since as far as I know such a model is not available so far one would
need to implement it.
I read the topic in howto
(http://wiki.opengatecollaboration.org/index.php/GatePhysicsProcess), so
if I understand correctly the correct approach would be to first
implement the module into GEANT, and then add it to GATE.
Am I right? I would be grateful for any suggestions.
Thank you in advance.

Best regards,
Wojtek Krzemien

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