[Gate-users] Extracting information about interactions

Anders Garpebring anders.garpebring at umu.se
Tue Sep 8 23:36:08 CEST 2015

Hi Gate users,

I like to use Gate as a general purpose Monte-Carlo tool in some teaching of radiation interaction. Setting up geometries and sources seem to be fairly general and quite straight forward. But extracting detailed information about events seems to be harder.

I've seen that there are commands for dose and fluence that will be useful for me. What about quantities like kerma and energy fluence? Are there methods to extract these quantities? I've also seen that there is a crystalSD commands that enables storing of all events in a volume. However, how to I get the information out to a file so I can processed it? Is that even possible?

Any pointer on how to use Gate to extract properties of radiation transport is most appreciated. Perhaps Gate is not a good tool for it and there are other software out there with better documentation. Please let me know in that case.

Kind regards,

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