[Gate-users] vGATE can't get ascii output

王雯慧 1961537903 at qq.com
Fri May 8 06:54:47 CEST 2015

   I have a problem when I using vGATE2.1. I want to get the LMF data. but when I run the example myPET_CylindrinalPET_System.mac,it only generate the myPET_testfile.cch,don't have the myPET_testfile.ccs. Could anyone tell me why? 
   In addition,when I modify the myPET_CylindrinalPET_System.mac:

# O U T P U T
/gate/output/ascii/setOutFileHitsFlag        1
/gate/output/ascii/setOutFileSingleDigiFlag  1 
/gate/output/ascii/setOutFileCoincDigiFlag   1
#  D A T A   O U T P U T   

/gate/output/lmf/setFileName             myPET_testfile
/gate/output/lmf/setDetectorIDBool       1
/gate/output/lmf/setEnergyBool           1
/gate/output/lmf/setGantryAxialPosBool   0
/gate/output/lmf/setGantryAngularPosBool 0
/gate/output/lmf/setSourcePosBool        0
/gate/output/lmf/setNeighbourBool        0
/gate/output/lmf/setNeighbourhoodOrder   0
/gate/output/lmf/setCoincidenceBool      1
/gate/output/lmf/setGateDigiBool         1
/gate/output/lmf/setComptonBool          1
#/gate/output/lmf/setComptonDetectorBool  0
/gate/output/lmf/setSourceIDBool         0
/gate/output/lmf/setSourceXYZPosBool     0
/gate/output/lmf/setGlobalXYZPosBool     0
/gate/output/lmf/setEventIDBool          1
/gate/output/lmf/setRunIDBool            1
it shows ****COMMAND NOT FOUND </gate/output/ascii/enable>***

   Could anyone help me?
   Hope your reply sincerely.

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