[Gate-users] lists and leaks

Charles A. Maitz camaitz at gmail.com
Wed Jun 17 22:17:28 CEST 2015

Greetings GATE-users,


I am new to GATE (self-taught for about 4 months, but did attend the Geant4
training course last fall in Catania).  I am running Gate 7.1 with geant4
10.1.0.  I am able to run simulations with manually defined physics
processes, but whenever I run a simulation using the physic list builder, it
seems to run, and I get events defined in my stat.txt file, with the same
number of tracks and steps, which makes me think that interactions are not
registering.  I also get no hits, singles or coincidences in my .root output


I think this is a general issue, but I am using GATE for radiopharmaceutical
dosimetry purposes, and so my sources tend to be ion source decays.


In an unrelated issue, I also have a bad case memory leaks whenever I try to
employ dose or spectrum actors.  I am typically employing a dose and a
spectrum actor to both the tumor and the patient.  I am no computer expert.
I've attached the valgrind leak output, and it seems as though it may have
something to do with my geant4 installation.






Charles A. Maitz, DVM, PhD, DACVR-RO

Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology

Department of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery and Radiology

International Institute of Nano & Molecular Medicine

University of Missouri - Columbia

maitzc at missouri.edu <mailto:maitzc at missouri.edu> 



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