[Gate-users] Study duration error

David Larsson david.larsson at sth.kth.se
Tue Jun 16 08:22:42 CEST 2015

Dear Gaters,

I'm running some splitted jobs on a mulitple-core (CPU) cluster and have simply created defined time slices of a longer simulation (divided a whole session into e.g. 4000 time slices). For each time slice I define the start and end time (together with seed and outputname) using a parameterized macro, using the following command:

>> Gate -a [outputname,output/test_0200][imageCT,output/test_0200][steplength,0.01][tstart,2][tend,2.01][seed,201] main.mac

However, every time I run a simulation I get the following error for a few (~10-20) of the time slices:

       [GateToImageCT::RecordBeginOfAcquisition] :
    The study duration ( 10 ms ) does not seem to be a multiple of the time-slice ( 10 ms ).

    -------- EEEE ------- G4Exception-START -------- EEEE -------
    *** G4Exception : RecordBeginOfAcquisition
          issued by : GateToImageCT::RecordBeginOfAcquisition
    You must change these parameters then restart the simulation

    *** Fatal Exception *** core dump ***
    -------- EEEE -------- G4Exception-END --------- EEEE -------

    *** G4Exception: Aborting execution ***

i.e. it seems the systems somehow doesn't recognize the time slice duration as correct. The same behaviour (for the same slices) happen even if I e.g. change seed so it doesn't seem to be related to some numerical divergence with a specific seed.

Has anyone encountered anything similar? If so, have you solved it in any specific way, or simply found ways to work around it?

Thanks for the help!

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