[Gate-users] A point source aimed down the X-Axis?

Devin VanElburg vanelbud at tbh.net
Wed Jun 10 16:41:55 CEST 2015

Hello David,

The default position of the viewer is:
/vis/viewer/set/viewpointThetaPhi 0 0
/vis/viewer/panTo 0.0 0.0

You can get a better view of what's going on by changing these values.

As for the cone, try something like:
/gate/source/mybeam/gps/ang/mintheta 67.5 deg
/gate/source/mybeam/gps/ang/maxtheta 112.5 deg
/gate/source/mybeam/gps/ang/minphi 157.5 deg
/gate/source/mybeam/gps/ang/maxphi 202.5 deg

That should restrict your source to a 45 deg cone shape in the x

Devin Van Elburg
Physics w/ c/ Biomedical Physics
Lakehead University

>>> David Mills  06/10/15 10:09 AM >>>

I’m still getting to grips with Gate, but I’m having trouble wrapping my
head around the geometry.

I want to have a point source stuck to one wall of my mainbox, sending a
cone shaped beam of gamma particles towards a thin filter. Cone angle of
45 degrees. I think what I’ve got is a beam pointing out along the +Z
direction instead. Is there any interactive way to drag the volume
around in the viewer to see the different planes?

This is what I have so far, any advice would be gladly received.

# World
/gate/world/geometry/setXLength 0.75 m
/gate/world/geometry/setYLength 0.75 m
/gate/world/geometry/setZLength 0.75 m
/gate/world/setMaterial Air

# Global Box
/gate/world/daughters/name             mainbox
/gate/world/daughters/insert           box
/gate/mainbox/geometry/setXLength      0.5 m
/gate/mainbox/geometry/setYLength      0.5 m
/gate/mainbox/geometry/setZLength      0.5 m
/gate/mainbox/placement/setTranslation 0 0 0 cm
/gate/mainbox/setMaterial Air
/gate/mainbox/vis/setVisible 1
/gate/mainbox/vis/setColor blue

# Filter
/gate/mainbox/daughters/name    alu_slice
/gate/mainbox/daughters/insert  box
/gate/alu_slice/geometry/setXLength 0.5 mm
/gate/alu_slice/geometry/setYLength 0.5 m
/gate/alu_slice/geometry/setZLength 0.5 m
/gate/alu_slice/placement/setTranslation -0.125 0 0 m
/gate/alu_slice/setMaterial Aluminium
/gate/alu_slice/vis/setVisible 1
/gate/alu_slice/vis/setColor red

# source
/gate/source/addSource mybeam gps
/gate/source/mybeam/gps/particle gamma
###spectrum stuff removed for brevity
/gate/source/mybeam/gps/position       -0.25 0 0 m
/gate/source/mybeam/gps/type Point
/gate/source/mybeam/gps/ang/type iso
/gate/source/mybeam/gps/ang/mintheta 89 deg
/gate/source/mybeam/gps/ang/maxtheta 91 deg
/gate/source/mybeam/gps/ang/minphi   45 deg
/gate/source/mybeam/gps/ang/maxphi  135 deg


Dr. David Mills
Queen Mary, University of London
Dental Biophysics Section 
Oral Growth and Development
Institute of Dentistry
Francis Bancroft Building 
London E1 4NS

020 7882 5978
07904 121783
skype : webshed

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