[Gate-users] optical photon transmittance

Devin VanElburg vanelbud at tbh.net
Mon Jul 13 16:19:27 CEST 2015

Hello all,

I am attempting to factor in the transmittance of optical photons through different light guides. I suppose I will have to change the absorption length parameter in the Materials.xml file, but it's not quite the same. I want to be clear with how GATE uses the absorption length. So:


Does this mean that for an optical photon of 1.84eV, it will travel about 50m before it is absorbed? Is this an average depth value? Is it based on a Gaussian probability distribution?

Transmission of optical materials is normally given as a fraction of the incident light, at a given wavelength of light and for a given thickness of material. For example, say 92% transmittance of 405nm photons for a 1.0mm thick lead glass lightguide. 

Can anyone offer any insight as to how GATE uses these ABSLENGTH values?

Devin Van Elburg
Physics w/ c/ Biomedical Physics
Lakehead University
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